Work continues on the land preparations. Over the weekend I got the apple tree area totally prepared now. I took down a huge pine that was creating a lot of shade and had to drop it into the apple tree area. The tree was 80 feet tall and about 30 inches at the butt. We got the logs out to use and skidded out the top. I then took the york rake and cleaned the loose pine needles and small branches. Next up will be marking rows and beginning planting. I also worked up the other acre plus field in preparation for planting. It is also ready to plant. The only area not ready yet is where we took out some shrubby pines (up to 2 feet across). I need to get two stumps dug out with a backhoe. The payloader just couldn't get them out.
I have some vines set to ship to me tomorrow from Double A Vineyards. Those are table grapes and some others I wanted to add to the vineyard.
The one bud cuttings so far are a dismal failure. The best luck I am having so far is from cuttings I took at Thanksgiving and stored in the garage in plastic containers right around freezing. I took them out a few weeks ago, put them in some perlite for a week or so on the heat mat. I then made 2-3 bud cuttings and put in my small 38-50 plug trays. The Marquettes are sprouting buds and some of them have roots big enough to pull the whole peat plug out when you lift the cutting.
After I plant the vines from Double A I will start digging the vines in the nursery and planting them. I plan to try an old potato digger to dig them out. I will let you all know haow that works later.
All for now!