Cheap punchdown tool

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Jul 26, 2021
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North Carolina Mountains
I didn't want to shell out the shekels for a stainless punchdown tool so I decided to use what I had. I took some 3/4" PVC pipe and a cutting board and came up with the following.

I took a cutting board, put it on the table saw, drilled a hole in the center and rounded the edges off by rotating it against the blade. This cutting board was 6x9" so I decided not to make it round (6" is not quite big enough).

The only thing you need to make sure that the thickness of the cutting board is not more than your threads. In my case it was so I drilled two holes so I could get to the cap threaded on. The first hole was 1 1/8 and the next one 1 1/4". Don't forget to drill the bigger one first.

I took a slip to threaded adapter (.75 at lowes) and put the 3/4" pipe on the end. You can use glue if you want.

I put the cutting board through the hole and used a screw cap. You can use glue if you want but it's really not needed.


Here is the result. I can make it as long or short as I want. Entirely food friendly. Completely sealed for sanitation. And cheap.
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