Chef checking in from Ms

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Sep 6, 2010
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I figured since I was already picking great minds and driving others crazy...I might as well introduce myself.
I am from the Mississippi Gulf Coast lived here most of my life with the exception of a few year (2 years in Lake Tahoe, 1 year in South Korea). I am 28 years oldandI'm fairly new to wine making...only been doing it for 3-4 years so still got lots to learn. Have yet to make a wine that I'm happy with (mostly fruit wine) but I am very patient or maybe stuborn is a better word. I am also in the Food & Beverage Industry as a Chef. But enough about me lets look at the wine.....


The Top picture is my "Mad Scientist Lab" as my wife calls it.

The top left is my Muscadine wine...Its in the clearing stage now.(Thanks Mr. Waldo for being patient with all of my questions.)

The Top right is my "experimental" Hard Tea. I didn't follow any recipes just kinda winged it.

The bottom is my my peach wine from hell. I have had every problem you can think of with this wine....but i did learn a lot during the was ready to bottle till it decided to ferment now I am waiting again.

I also have an american pale ale under the table just waiting on some CO2 cartridges for my Tap-A-Draft and also a Hard Lemonaid that I am having trouble getting to ferment steadily. And then my first cherry base i wanted to get going about 2 months ago....but my peach wine other ideas.

But thats it...nothing special...but have a lot of funwith it. Maybe next time my wife and daughter will be around to take some mug shots I can post.
If you are stuck again please ask.. We love to help others as we all have "Been There Done That!"
Welcome to the FVW Forums!

Looks like a great setup with room to become even a "madder" scientist!

We have several expert fruit wine makers Waldo being one of them.

Glad you are here and hope you stick around, lots of nice folks in these parts of the intertubes!
''If you are stuck again please ask.. We love to help others as we all have "Been There Done That!" ''
I have been stuck since i started making wine it seems. But I actually dohave a hard lemon that i cant seem to get fermenting.

''Looks like a great setup with room to become even a "madder" scientist! ''

Since we got back from Korea (5 months ago) we have been staying with till we find our own place again i'm stuck with what I expanding
welcome to this crazy crazy hobby - - - - - - obsession - - - - -


Welcome Chef, Do you have any wines that are just finishing fermenting as dumping that stubborn Lemonade on that yeast cake is the best way to get a stuck fermentation going again.
I have a hard tea that is finishing its secondary and also my peach that began fermenting when I back sweetened. Which do you suggest...both are about the same quantity of yeast cake since the peach was small but was 3 gallons and the tea was only 1 gallon.Both will be racked in a couple days...
Welcome aboard, hmm, someone I can pick their mind with cooking questions.
You could try the hard tea. Im not sure how much abv it fermented and typically the higher it has gone the better a shot you have. The peach is most likely off the lees that had most of the yeast in it so that probably wouldnt do very well.

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