So I made the replacement Port kit while we were in a heat wave this summer and I have kept the yeast in suspension by stirring it every other days. No better. The Port is stuck at ~1.027 just after the chaptalisation stage. It's been weeks since I've added the corn sugar and it hasn't attenuate at all since. To me, this kit is a fail. I'm almost certain that the problem with this kit is that adding dry yeast to a such high gravity must is a promise to failure. Whenever I brew a very high gravity beer, I pitch on entire yeast cake. Trying to ferment a high gravity wort or must from even two or three dry yeast packet even with Champagne yeast is simply playing luck IMHO. I'll be racking the stuck Port on a white wine yeast cake in a week and I'm pretty confident it'll ferment dry in one or two weeks from then. Just reporting about this Regular Port kit from my experience.