WineXpert Chocolate Raspberry Port!

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I did actually get two kits, and had the same question (4 packets of yeast in one bucket????) so... I started the two batches side by side, in two primaries. Toying with the idea of combining in the secondary, but would still be interested in the answer too.
I also got two kits and I combined both of mine. I thought four packs of yeast was a lot but put it in anyway. My SG started out at 1.124. After 7 days the SG was down to 1.014 so now it was ready for me to add the Chaptalisation (sugar addition). After adding the sugar addition the SG was 1.036. In a couple of days after adding the sugar there was a thick gunk on the top that never went away. In about 5 days the SG went from 1.036 to 1.006, which for the first racking the instructions say the SG should be 1.020 or less. That layer was still on top. When I racked it, it was hard to leave the sediment behind because there was so much of it. When I made my chocolate port (3 gallon) it did not have that layer on the top. I hope all is well because I have heard so many good things about this port.

I got answers but still kind of winged it! =) I used 3 packs of yeast, both oaks, one bentonite, and will measure one of the k-metta packs before I decide if I'm going to add one or both of them.

I just did the capitalization late this afternoon. It seemed to take forever to get to get to 1.015 but that could be my impatience showing. =) I added some yeast energizer to make sure it finishes.

I forgot...I combined kits.
Sadie, I am sure it will be fine. And it definitely is worth the wait. It is delicious!
My port seems to have stalled after the chapitalization. The SG is at 1.030 since. I added some yeast nutrient and added the 4th pack of yeast mixed with a little of the must and warm water and nothing! Today I decided it needed some oxygen so racked it to a carboy. Nothing. Any suggestions, oh mighty CRP makers?
Its just something with these kits from W.E.! It happens to so many people that I cant understand how they keep selling them! I tried everything with mine 2 years ago including a big yeast starter and tripling it slowly with the wine and nothing. Mine stalled at 1.028. If I do it again I will start normal let it go a bit then chap. it very high to see if there would be any difference
I combined both of my kids.. I was ready for step 3, stabilizing and clearing, I added everything that came with both kits.. I figured if it takes #2, #3, #4 and the F-pack for a 3 gallon kit well I must need all of it for a 6 gallon.. when I started step 3 my SG was 1.004.. after I added the F-packs the SG was 1.030.. so far all seems well.. do you bulk age this one or bottle it.. it sure smells good.

I also degassed my Peach Ice Wine last night.. it is already starting to clear.. lots of sediments at the bottom..

I started a Raspberry Merlot last night also.. I added 7 cups of sugar and half of the F-pack.. these kits have such a low ABV.. I made a Blackberry Merlot and most of my friends told me it tasted like kool-aid.
I would surely bulk age the port as it can really drop lots of fine sediment. Joan, unfortunately theres not much you can do. You could try doing a making a good starter but I had no luck with mine. You could also give Linda Kazakoff at ([email protected]) or give George a call.
I am on many wine forums and see this problem with this kit many many times and havent seen a cure for this.
What has been the outcome for those stuck CRP fermentations? Do you know?
Sweeter wines then desired but still taste good! You my want to fortify it to even out the sweetness.
Oh my!!! I WAS going to make a double batch but maybe I will wait to see what Linda has to say.
It's a wee bit frustrating, uavwmn. (Well more than a wee!) I've already made 9 gallons without incident and 6 of that was in a double batch.

I put the brew belt back on and now at least the three piece is at the top of the airlock. Maybe there's hope. I have not heard back fro customer service at WE yet.

Edit: Not 9 gallons....12!
I did that also with the brew belt. I think it was just the temp change that changed my airlock.
I have two batches going. So far for me the kit is progressing like clockwork. Started October 3rd, initial SG was 1.128. Oct 10th, SG was 1.016, chaptalized and SG went up to 1.028. Just took an SG reading tonight and it's at 1.016, although there is no hiss or bubbling and no airlock action (I have lids on lightly with airlock). The numbers are darn near spot on to the kit I made last year, with slightly shorter timeframes this time around even. Last years batch finished at 1.010 before the F-Pak, two weeks after transfering to secondary at 1.014.

Since I'm not at the "5 to 7 days" post chaptalizing and everything I read on kits is Wait the number of days AND use Hydrometer, but wait the number of days specified, I will wait till Friday/Saturday to transfer to glass.

The only thing I have done that isn't in the instructions is to give the buckets a good vigorous stirring each day since chaptalizing, as a preventative against stuck ferment since I've been reading Wade & Joan's comments about their troubles.

Just wanted to offer up what my experience is on these kits so far this year, and to thank the wine making fairies for not scaring my yeast to death (ha ha) before their job is finished. Maybe my yeasties just like a good kick in the pants with the stir paddle every night....
Has anyone tried adding a little yeast nutrient/energizr at the chaptalizing stage?
I did Waldo. I added more when I transferred it to glass. This morning I pulled the plug on it.

Thanks Pelican, for your experience notes. I didn't dare leave it in the primary any longer although I did rack most of the lees with it. I will check the SG today after work although I don't expect a different reading.
Joan, I hope it turns around for you and those yeasties get on the right track!!!! I think I will do separate batches just to be safe.