Cleaning a Barrel?

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2013
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I filled my barrel last night, and now I am planning ahead for my 2nd batch.
However inbetween I will need to clean my barrel.
(Since I have to plan my trips to the LHBS around kids pick up schedule and next week being a vacation, I would have to do this soon)

I had found the below instructions by searching this forum for sanitizing the barrel. However is there a better way of cleaning a barrel than using a batch of BarrelKleen?

Can you use one step?

just rinse with water and sterilize?

Use this procedure to sanitize your barrel.

1. Fill barrel half-way with cold water.
2. Add 2.5 grams of Potassium Metabisulphite for every liter of the barrel’s total volume.
3. Add 1.25 grams of citric acid for every liter of the barrel’s total volume.
4. Bung the barrel. Roll it to mix in the Potassium Metabisulphite and citric acid.
5. Remove bung and finish filling barrel with cold water. Replace bung and let full barrel stand 48 hours.
6. Drain barrel. Rinse several times with cold water.

I guess I am asking if I really need to go buy a bag of BarrelKleen?

Last edited:
If you plan on putting a new batch of wine in the barrel immediately after taking out the first batch, there is no need to sanitize the barrel.. Simple rinse with the hose and drain in suffice...

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