Cleaning and Sanitizing

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Dec 28, 2009
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Hello, I just joined the forum and I am in the process of making my first batch of wine from a Mosti Modiale kit. It stresses cleaning and sanitizing as being important and I understand that. Do I have to make a gallon of cleaning solution to clean my utinsils each timeI want to stir, check my SG and Temp? Or can I just use the solution of sanitizer that keeps for months?
Next question is that the video states that I should have a strong odor of sulfur when i make a solution of the Pot. Metabisulphite, but I do not smell anything, is my sanitizing solution ok? Thanks
I don't personally smell sulfur as much as I feel my bronchial tubes tighten up and I cough on the fumes of a strong K-Meta solution.
If you have clean glassware, you could get away with some K-Meta in a spray bottle and dosing the glassware, letting them drip dry a bit, and then using the hydrometer or spoon. By keeping your equipment clean and free from any dry particles (like wine drying on your spoon, for instance), you'll be in much better shape.

I personally use the cleaning solution any time I'm doing something more significant than testing with a hydrometer or stirring - so if I'm racking or using a different storage container, the cleaning solution is made fresh and used.

Often fresh made solution has no discernable smell to it. It will still work, but I believe it is more effective to make up a gallon at a time and let it sit in the jug a few days before use if you can. A gallon will last quite a while once you figure out ways to stretch it like Jims spray bottle.

Welcome to the forum.
I also agree with Appleman. It does not have a strong smell when freshly made but give it a few days and it will be potent. I always keep a gallon on hand and some in a qt spray bottle. I also keep about 1/2- 1" in empty carboys with a solid bung. This way the carboys are ready to go at any time. I shake the carboy up a bit before removing the bung to wet all of the insides with the sanitizer. KEEP YOUR NOSE AWAY FROM THE OPENING WHEN REMOVING THE BUNG! Dump the solution in a primary bucket and use it as needed untill your done for the day.
When potassium metabisulfite is initially dissolved in water it converts entirely to potassium bisulfite (KHSO3), which has no smell. Over time the eqilibrium shifts and some of it converts to SO2, which does have a smell. The sanitizing solution lasts for a long time in a glass jug and can be reused. As long as it smellsstrongly ofSO2 it is still good.