Ending the cold soak today. Monday night to Saturday.
I’ve been opening the box once a day in the afternoon to mix it up and add some more ice. Before mixing bottoms of the pails were always 20° colder than the tops and clumping up. I did end up adding some FT Rouge to the must. A 1/4 dose on thurs. and another 1/4 dose on Friday. And each day removing MOG as I mixed. (By far the most time consuming part of all this) Vast majority of the leaves and little stem pieces pulled throughout the week (and 1 stinkbug), so feeling good about having a super clean must.
Also the ice was gone earlier than anticipated and I wasn’t ready to start— picked up another box of ice Thursday. Almost 5 days soaking now. It’s time. Going to transfer into the fermentor today and let it warm up. I never added any so2. Not sure when yeast should be added tho. Ambient room temp is 66°. So maybe at mid 50’s° inoculate?
By the time this warms up and gets goin, along with the cooler temps here I will easily hit my 10 day ‘crush to press’ target and land closer to 2 weeks I hope.

Snapping the lids tight Pushed a lot of co2 into must, and upon opening the 1st time had a mini heart attack appearing as if it started fermenting! Lol

We good though.

1 casualty was my plastic spoon. Sucker snapped in half. And my scale put on IR. dead battery. Had to break out the old OHAUS balance scale I used to use but kept sorta for decor.

nice and cool. Throwing caution to the wind and fermenting in the basement. I swear to god if I get more fruit flies I will lose my sh*t.
All in all the extended cold soak was pretty fun and I will surely do it again.