Cold Stabilization (CS)

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John Prince

Senior Member
May 11, 2011
Reaction score
I thought about taking 8 carboys outside for Cold Stabilization. My wife said the temperature fluxuation could damage the wine. It will be a high of 50 and and a low 20 in Arkansas. My freezer only holds two carboys and I thought I would do 8 then rack them at the same time. Any thoughts.
The fluctuation won't bother it, IMO. Put your carboys in constant shade so there's no gain from sun heating. I'm in southern TN and it doesn't get cold long enough to cold stabilize well here, so I still use the fridge.

If you expect the wine to shed diamonds, you'll be better off to bring it in and rack it on the cold side of that temp swing. That's because warmer wine does re-dissolve some crystals back into suspension.
What would be a good range to CS. I live in the Maritimes in Canada, temperature swings greatly day to day and week to week. -10 C today , forecast -10 C , +1C , +2C, +4C , -9C , -6C
John Prince,
Both the wine that I have aging and the wine that I've bottled in my cellar dropped crystals after 3 months at 45° - 55°. I would hesitate to place the carboys outside if the temps are going to dip below 15°, I had a 6 gallon batch of beer freeze within two days outside. With 20° being the lowest, you should be fine, if it were me, I'd do 2 at a time inside.
Dino, the -10°C is about 14° F, I'd be concerned about that.
Pumpkinman - thanks, I tought it was too low and it varies too much here from day to day
I have put mine in a shed with the airlocks full of vodka. It got down to 15 F at night and high of 25 during the day. I have in the past thrown a blanket on them so they wont go up and down as much. Make sure you don't put the carboys straight on a concrete slab as I am sure that would be the coldest and a good possibility of breakage
Well Tom
I believe I carried about 20 carboys outside to cold stabilize - another suggestion would be an attached garage and get a reasonable priced infrared thermometer and place the carboy in the right place to benefit you the most
I guess I will just rack them next week and put them in the freezer at 28 degrees for 2 weeks before I bottle them.
I guess I will just rack them next week and put them in the freezer at 28 degrees for 2 weeks before I bottle them.

This is your best option. I put mine in a 38 degree F fridge and they drop within 2 or 3 weeks. I always rack off and bottle chilled, like commercial wineries usually do. I don't let the wine rewarm on the crystals.
What temps are good for CS? and how long do you leave them? Do you only do it for the expensive kits to get rid of Diamonds or all kits to improve them? I have a shed to put them in does that mean I can put out in colder weather?
If I get down to 32-35F for a week, I get satisfactory shed of crystals. I use an old fridge I got for $50 off craigslist and fit with stronger racks to hold 3 carboys for this.