I like to filter, but they have to be pretty clear before doing so with the gravity filter. Many people think gravity filters take too long for their wines, but I have never had the bad effects (too much contact with O2) with it. At least I haven't noticed it in my wines.
The gravity filter
does take a while to go through. When the wine is clear (to the eye), and no sediment is at the bottom, I filter. Thismakesa 5 or 6 gallon process havea big reduction infilter time. There is usually remarkable gunk on the filter paper, even though the wine was clear.
I often say that I don't filterall my wines, but the more I am learning about the winemaking process, andthe more time I spend on my wines, I end up filtering them all (although I don't always plan to). I think it's ashame to have an
almost perfect wine after spending so many months on it.
The mini-jet is something I would consider, if I had more wines in the process, but for me right now, the gravity filter does its job very well. I don't have a "filtering evening," so when I'm racking and fiddling with the other wines, the gravity filter is doing its thing. It seems to work for me.