Campden Tablets - Potassium Metabisulfite in tablet form which is used at the ratio of 1 tablet per gallon when adding to wine. Can be called 'NA-Meta'.
I'm really just learning and have been making 1 & 2 gal. batches of a variety of wines. (13 so far) I'm learning a lot with each batch but none will be ready for some time. I've seen the term back sweeten in many posts and I suspect I know what that means but would like a more exact definition, please.
Backsweeten is the process of raising the SG, adding more sugar to a wine. Once a wine has fermented to dry less than 1.000 SG - there is essentially no sugars left. In order to get a sweeter finish to the wine - you add sugar. This is - of course - only done once the wine has completed fermentation and sorbate and k-meta have been added to prevent renewed fermentation.
I created this awhile ago with the basic and common terms. If there are any new terms we can add them but I believe this covers the vast majority. Glad to see it's getting used.
I was just about to ask for a glossary of terms when I bumped this thread. Is the thread starter still updating?