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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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Winemaking Log Spreadsheet

Tom sent in a nice Winemaking Log spreadsheet to share with the communitty. It is an Excel file. If you don't have Microsoft Office you can download Open Office, a free program that works great to view and use these files.

View attachment winemakerslog.xls
That looks great but I can't get away from the hard copies I copied from Winepress. I've been using them for so long it just seems comfortable now.
Keep those Notes

I'm still using the ole 3 ring binder, but one of the first things I learned from all of you is the importance of keeping logs/notes. You HAVE to. I was a professional cook for years, and there were many things that turned out fantastic but could never be duplicated because there was no notes on how it was done. Keep Notes on your winemaking!!!!:)
I to am guilty of not keeping track when I firts started but luckily verything I did up until the time when I started keeping notes wasnt worth keeping notes on, not bad but nothing I wanted duplictaed!
I hear ya there Wade, but especially for newbies, notes can and are, invaluable to diagnose a problem, and if you are making wine(non-kit), you will want those notes for future reference.
This "log" is what I keep in a binder. The only thing that changes is the climate where the grapes are grown and the juice they produce.
Here is where you can produce Gold medals in competitions
Just checked: it works with Linux in Open Office.

It looks neat and orderly.

Nevertheless I stick to using a plain text editor
and just writing down every step I take just as the recipes I publish in my web-log.

Ha Tom i hope you don't care but i print out a copy of your log sheet it looks good i'm going to start my owne wine making and this log sheet is what i need to keep logs on
thanks jw
Thats why I posted it. Enjoy!
Welcome to a great hobby (obsession) :r
Thanks Wade E , that is so much helpfull for people like me, :b

Great i have tested mead cal. Since now I don't know much but when I come to know everything about all that stuff then surely it will be a great help. thanks
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So, what do you use? FermCalc or WineCalc? They seem to produce semi-significantly different sugar numbers.


Starting SG: 1.058
Target SG: 1.080
Volume: 3 US gallons
Amount sugar needed (WineCalc): 1.49 lbs
Amount sugar needed (FermCalc): 1.6607 lbs

What gives? Which is right?
That is a difference of about 1/8th of a lb which ist much at all. It also depends of what type of sugar you use also as not all sugar weighs the same. Cane sugar is supposedly heavier then beet sugar so these calcs will vary a little also from area to area but that little difference will probably result in an SG diff. of about .002 so dont worry about that.
Thanks! The first year we made wine, it was all lost due to lack of documentation. This year I'm keeping track. Your spread sheet has things on it I will have to learn about and start checking!
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In the file what does it mean when it has the 1st to the 6th rack date underneath the secodary fermentation? Are you bottling a little bit of wine each day?

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