I've looked in the archives on this siteand on the winepress site about cork indentations -- and figure I have nothing to worry about, except perhaps aesthetics. But I thought I'd upload a pic and ask your input (I KNOW how we all love pic's!)
The flash made the cork tops white out, but there are varying degrees of indentations and also, you'll note that the DEPTH of the cork varies from below to above, to one side of the cork below and the same side above (2nd from left,in the back) the lip of the bottle, all because of the indentation made by the plunger on the corker. This is the double-handled, hand corker that George includes.
It appears the depth above or below the lip, depends on the bottle -- how the flange on the outside underneath the lip is formed. That keeps the two grippers that hold the neck of the bottle from further slipping up at the finish of the stroke. As the cork is going in, toward the end, these grippers slip on the bottle neck... and something happens -- but it may be the corkfinishes up, down or in-between!
Other threads I researchedsay the indentations will disappear -- but it's been a week and they look the same as when they went in!
I've got what I've got, but is there something I should be doing to prevent what is happening? Is this a "finesse" thing that I just don't have and all of you do??!!??
The flash made the cork tops white out, but there are varying degrees of indentations and also, you'll note that the DEPTH of the cork varies from below to above, to one side of the cork below and the same side above (2nd from left,in the back) the lip of the bottle, all because of the indentation made by the plunger on the corker. This is the double-handled, hand corker that George includes.
It appears the depth above or below the lip, depends on the bottle -- how the flange on the outside underneath the lip is formed. That keeps the two grippers that hold the neck of the bottle from further slipping up at the finish of the stroke. As the cork is going in, toward the end, these grippers slip on the bottle neck... and something happens -- but it may be the corkfinishes up, down or in-between!
Other threads I researchedsay the indentations will disappear -- but it's been a week and they look the same as when they went in!
I've got what I've got, but is there something I should be doing to prevent what is happening? Is this a "finesse" thing that I just don't have and all of you do??!!??