Arne said:
Really?? I have one of those things I would give you if I could find it. Only thing is, there is onbody on here that I dislike enough to give it to them. First time I used a floor corker, I never looked back. Corked a couple of batches with that hand corker. It worked but I am way too lazy to want to use it anymore. LOL, Arne.
This merits a long explanation: A few years ago I took my wife on a tour of a local winery. When we showed up it was late and we were the only ones there. The lucky bastard giving us the tour ended up being a seriously addicted home brewer who had shown up there years ago, asked the owner way too many questions and somehow ended up getting hired for it.
So obviously I had like several billion questions for him, since I had been wanting to get into the hobby myself but knew NO ONE around here who did it. And he answered them all (to my wife's unending delight and amusement.)
And the biggest question I had was how do they get those huge corks into that tiny hole because I sure as heck can't ever put them back when I'm trying to save the bottle for later. He had of course by now convinced the winery owner to let him stock an inventory of home brew supplies in the gift shop (out of selfishness I'm sure since he was too old to use the Internet and there isn't a LHBS for hours.)
And he showed me all the corkers they had, and then explained that when I bought my wine kit it would come with a little red one that most people thought was demon possessed but that if you held it firmly and beat the top of it with a rubber hammer they actually went in quite easily with it.
Being the cracked person I am my eyes lit up and I shouted "You mean I can make my own alcohol AND beat on stuff with a hammer at the same time?!" Of course my wife's head was now buried in her hands, and the little old ladies who had gotten there after us on a church bus (?!?!) and were browsing through their selection of touristy Louisiana shot glasses (!?!?!?!?!?) were staring.
But the old man understood, and just arched an eyebrow, smiled back at me and said "Yes."
And quickly followed up (seeing the crazy in my eyes) "Just not too hard or you'll break the bottle and spill wine all over your kitchen."
So call it a nostalgia thing or maybe a cracked crazy guy thing, but part of the home brew experience for me is making my own alcohol while beating on stuff with a hammer. I've tried the other corkers but then I have to put the hammer up and the wine just doesn't taste the same after.
So go ahead. Judge me. I have admitted my guilty pleasure and I am ashamed.