I was talking to a fellow wine maker last night ( Kate). Who is a head of the viruses task force for appropriation for a major hospital here in NJ.
Her comments,in brief.
South Jersey hospital's can't get masks, or any of the other tools needed to fight with, she's begging MFGS. .there all being sent up north.
Asked "did this comes from Bats?" "She said yes ,most definitely. The proved it."
Are masks effective?
"No only if you have the virus".
We talked for over and hour , about making the sanitizer, etc.
She also stated that for some reason others are lumping all deaths together ( respiratory,heart,and flu, it's crazy .)
This is a lady who knows first hand and I trust and not a bad wine maker by the way.
It was

an interesting conversation after that I went down to the cellar and opened up a bottle of Sanginvese.