I think your number is a bit high. Based on the rate meat plants with 1 to 2 K workers are going down I’d guess 1/1000.

Hate to say it but the brother at GB used to say hoax and today says infringement of constitutional rights.I'm in Alabama where Fox News dictates state policy so out of 4.9 million 144k have been tested. Of those 11k are positive, with 473 deaths. That means 1 in 13 in Alabama likely are or have been infected, or about 375k just in Alabama if all here were tested. We have no way of knowing who is infected and who to stay away from so you should stay away from everyone. I went to Lowes last week and now I will buy online and have them bring it to the car. The only people there with mask were the employees, The shoppers could care less who they infected. It's the Old West here, you protect yourself because most here where I am honestly think it's all a hoax and the common flu is worse.