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Perhaps this will be what we need to push local, state and federal authorities to create the services we need when disasters (man made or natural) strike us. How many school districts across the US are still in the 19th Century when it comes to technology? My wife is a HS teacher in Manhattan and every kid has a laptop and for years have been required to send in homework through the web. When the authorities closed the school buildings the school itself was not closed - the teachers worked like dogs over three or four days to transform their in-class lessons to online (not a simple task - I teach online for the State University of NY, so I some idea of what good online learning and teaching looks like), so while most schools have closed and many schools have changed their mode of teaching to the equivalent of "home schooling" theirs is open and the kids are learning and working - from home as are the teachers.
Just noticed those ‘reactions to post’ options on top of the standard “like”. I only use WMT app but it has been down for a few days. Using the mobile site now and seeing it. Is this a new feature? 77DE9526-0763-464B-AB75-5AC0E218E100.jpeg
curious what you think on line should look like? I have heard more complaints from the wife in the last week (HS English) and they don’t get out of spring break till Monday. They are aiming low expectations on what kids can do and pass fail This quarter.
My wife is a HS teacher in Manhattan and every kid has a laptop and for years have been required to send in homework through the web. When the authorities closed the school buildings the school itself was not closed - the teachers worked like dogs over three or four days to transform their in-class. . .
curious what you think on line should look like? I have heard more complaints from the wife in the last week (HS English) and they don’t get out of spring break till Monday. They are aiming low expectations on what kids can do and pass fail This quarter.

From a college perspective, you want a flipped classroom when the course is online. You don't teach by lecturing. Rather you get students to read your lecture notes and source material before they come to the class and the class consists of either asynchronous or synchronous discussions. You, as facilitator, raise a question from the material that touches on the course outcome (what is it that you want students to know or be able to do) and you have every student raise a question from the material that they ask their class-mates. No one sits at the back of the class - there is no back of the class. You demonstrate your understanding of the material by answering questions posed and by raising questions for others to answer.
As the facilitator you poke and prod and help both the questioner and the rest of the class delve more deeply into the material to respond to the questions and you can cancel an irrelevant question (one that you can look up the answer)... You can assign a task to groups and learning management systems (Blackboard and Moodle, for example, and even Zoom) enable you to create "groups" within a class... and so you can then assign or ask for each member of the group to accept a task that is not dependent on anyone else doing their work (You do the graphic for the data, you do the annotated bibliography, you write up the conclusion, You summarize the key findings etc).
My wife refuses to recognize anyone as "present" in her high school classes if they do not have their cameras "on" so she can see them an she knows that they are ostensibly "attending" to what is being discussed . The school my wife teaches at does not want the kids in the school to be in online classes for more than a couple of hours a day: they have reading to do and homework to submit, but that is on their "own" time. And teachers are expected to have read & commented on all the homework before classes begin each morning so they are not spending time online dealing with homework...
We've had the technology in our district for awhile, but the faculty was caught off guard by the timing of the school closures (I personally thought they'd close up shop earlier). Tomorrow is their first day attempt at everyone using their i-Pads to "attend" school. I'll be curious what it looks like. I'm just hoping it isn't a bunch of videos since I'm working from home as well and we have "fast" DSL. So far it has been fine, but the kids had reverted to summer hours not getting up till 9 or 10 in the morning. By then I've usually accomplished what I need to do for the day since I normally log in around 4:45 am. I've been asking them if they have a start time or not, haven't got any answers (they don't look up long enough from their various electronics to answer me). Fortunately (or unfortunately pay wise) my wife has the day off tomorrow since she works in the ER and there are supposed to be no elective surgeries. I'm hoping she can deal with the kid's issues while I get some work done.
Craig, do you and/or your wife have extra concerns or take extra precautions because of her profession? Also please tell her thanks for the work she's continuing to do.
Yes and no. If she gets it, I sleep about six inches away from her and there isn't a really comfortable option for other places to sleep (I don't do the floor). Our only precaution at this point is to wash anything that we are out in public with when we get back home, and the rest of the family doesn't "associate" with anyone outside of the household. I've been working at home for over a week. Early in the morning, I walk around the house with a solution in a bucket and wipe everything that we normally touch, leave it wet for at least 6 minutes, then take a shower.

My older brother is a Cardiologist and just had one of his office physician assistants test positive, so most of his office staff (26 I think he said) are in two week quarantine. My other brother works for the House of Reps (IT director) and has been working from home for two weeks. We don't even visit each other (talk on the phone only) and we live a mile away from each other (it's actually pretty tough for me, you probably can't tell but I'm a very social person).

So we'll see what happens if she gets it. She has been sewing a bunch of masks for people, she finally made some for us (mine using Philadelphia Eagles fabric) that we can wear in case someone in the house gets sick, but they won't offer that much protection. I had ordered her an N95 mask from England three weeks ago, but it ships from China and they aren't shipping anything at the moment, oh bother (Eeoor reference).

I spend as much time outside or in the basement away from the others, drinking beverages to keep my throat wet every 15 minutes or so, or maybe more. My older doctor brother told me tonight that the rule is 3 minutes or less within 6 feet of someone, if they aren't noticeably sick. Don't know if I buy that one or not.
hum, i worked for many years as a mall rat,, (sup building stores in shopping malls)
the only thing i dreamed of all those years seeing car wrecks, siriens , the buzz of people, was to take my watch off, no calendars, just the peace and quiet of the countryside, i have every underlying condition, 59. i went got some of what i needed, as well igot dexter cattle, chickens, at the first rumble in mid feb i locked down, i hate what this is doing to people and our nation, i pray for all,,,
* the time rule comes from Singapore. Time is a numbers game! ! with so much risk per minute and you just keep the clock adding. Distance is a numbers game, more would be better, however for Singapore it works as an initial low tech precaution.
* the technology for monitoring temperature is available and should be done as another low tech/ low cost option. I don’t understand why our government pHd aren’t copying/ weren’t copying Asia at the start of the month.
* I don’t understand why we aren’t being encouraged to have masks on also. The med facility rule is keep one on all day so doctors don’t get sick from patients they are treating and also staff don’t bring something into the hospital from outside.
* It gives a false sense of security to see normal working distances and no precautions/ healthy looking folks/ any one of which could be carrying covid.

If she gets it, I sleep about six inches away from her and there isn't a really comfortable option for other places . . . My older doctor brother told me tonight that the rule is 3 minutes or less within 6 feet of someone, if they aren't noticeably sick. Don't know if I buy that one or not.

We appreciate doctors who risk themselves, , thank your brother & wife
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President said four more weeks of this. Ok... I’m glad Iive where I love.

Decided that we need to a barrel tasting tonight. Everything is coming along nicely.

I opened a bottle of 2016 Smitherings Red Blend wine, it’s nice...
* the time rule comes from Singapore. Time is a numbers game, with so much risk per minute and you keep the clock running. Distance is a numbers game, more would be bette, however for them it works as an initial low tech precaution.
* I don’t understand why we aren’t being encouraged to have masks on too. The med facility rule is keep one on all day so doctors don’t get sick from patients they are treating and also staff don’t bring something into the hospital from outside.
* It gives a false sense of security to see normal working distances and no precautions/ healthy looking folks/ any one of which could be carrying covid.

We appreciate doctors who risk themselves, , thank your brother & wife

first the CDC & WHO does not have a handle on this virus, they keep changing what they think, as a matter of fact, sadly look how many brave medical people have come down sick with this virus, as for N95 mask at first we were way short and for the first time i can remember i have never heard that the CDC & WHO ask the construction trade to send in their masks, an according to the CDC they are not solidly sure that a N 95 is anywhere close to foolproof, most of the double talk and vague explanations are to keep the people from panic, the only true silver lining is we are keeping our death rate down, around 1%,,, i am hoping for a cure, a enveloped lipid virus, really needs the protective envelope broken in order to hasten the death of the virus. I hope you and yourn are safe and healthy,,,
At the end of the day, it’s one of things I’m glad we have in common. We have a walking trail near our house. Generally people are non responsive and unfriendly-we simply lack deeper commonality. It’s weird to me that people easily ignore you even if you say “hi”.... @hounddawg - I’m glad we have this in common.

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