Count you change

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Arctic Contributor
Oct 26, 2008
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To all of you who had doubts. And you know who you are, andy you know what I mean.

Is it to late for me to run for the security of the woods?:db

OMG, what have I talked mself into?

A bet is bet, Srtart counting your change.:D If we can get her out of Switzerland, your change jars will be empty!!!

I am shaking like a leaf!!!:tz, at least for sure dancing like this guy!:db

All I wanted to know is if I could use bread yeast for wine.:slp

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She just called. She is at the airport!!

Start making a kah-ching!!!
I am in Geneva on the first leg of my journey. From here I'll get a flight to Montreal and then to Alaska. I'm so excited!!!!
keep us updated!!! ive been worried about you i haddnt heard in so long!
Yikes!! If anyone asks,I will be hiding under the house with my cats!:tz

Oh Oh, I already gave her my address!.

Okay I will hide under the neihbors house then!!


Truh is I am happier than a dancing :db
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somebody is going to be filming the encounter i hope, lol...
seriously congrats. it's like the romance of the summer!!!
If there is film made we need to do a slo-mo, chariots of fire, Bo Derek - Dudley Moore in 10, thing to the video.
wow, congrats man. I never doubted so does that mean i win some change too?? If Alaska suffers an eathquake and the glaciers melt i swear i wont turn ya in to the authorites (; Keep us posted and be sure to upload pics as soon as can feel like it
wow, congrats man. I never doubted so does that mean i win some change too?? If Alaska suffers an eathquake and the glaciers melt i swear i wont turn ya in to the authorites (; Keep us posted and be sure to upload pics as soon as can feel like it

Hmmmm. What could you mean? Of course we will have a nice cup of tea and then play croquet.
Troy, how far from the airport R U ??
Will you get her via dog sled or snowmobile? LOL :tz :db
I told you never to call her that in here. Ihave seen pictures of her that you will never see. No moose involved here brother!!

Maybe sheepskin or silk!
She's going to get there and see Troy and say oops, I must have been looking at pictures on the wrong post! :) Good luck Leanne with the traveling and will you two just get a room already, Geeesssshhhhh!
Next person who asks about making wine with bred yeast had better look out. It works and this is whhat can happen!!




Already have the room.

Next person to get marired in here is a rotten egg!!
Rofl, any one else gets married via this forum, our lovely administartion would have to make us an exoctic beverage subforum (if ya know what i mean) *snick snick- snick snick*

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