Update. Minutes after the above post, I had a serious accident involving a motorcycle and the cargo hold of a PU. After three months of recovery from the tibia plateau fracture and surgery, I was able to get to the attic and pull out the fig "vinegar". I had a one gallon jug and a 1/2 gallon growler. The gallon clearly heated up because there is wine in the airlock. The growler may not have heated enough. A quick sample shows that the gallon has improved and has a madeira flavor. The grower has more VA on the back. I'm going to back sweeten both and bottle separately. I think they may turn out to be sipping wines - I can still hit them with some brandy for my mock port styles - that will be determined.
As of August 16 my fig harvest was in full swing. My dear husband tried to pick some of the crop so I have a load in the freezer - no idea how much since I'm just now able to get to the basement. I may try a sherry style this winter with true flor-sherry yeast. This winter is for experimentation with the figs, red raspberries, 180 lbs of frozen grapes, 150 grams of frozen daylilies, and a gallon of dandelion juice.