DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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So I started by 1st batch a few weeks ago, following recipe as close as possible. My only adjustment was adding Tannin FT Rouge as my tannin. I adding Super Kleer a week ago and my DB is a very dark red. Is it possible my DB will remain darker than a blush color due to the addition of FT rouge?
So I started by 1st batch a few weeks ago, following recipe as close as possible. My only adjustment was adding Tannin FT Rouge as my tannin. I adding Super Kleer a week ago and my DB is a very dark red. Is it possible my DB will remain darker than a blush color due to the addition of FT rouge?

You said you followed the recipe as closely as possible, so I am assuming you used a triple or quad berry mix with 6 pounds of fruit? The reason I ask is that changing the type of fruit or the amount will definitely affect color. I have a batch going right now in which I used in the range of 15 pounds of fruit and it is going to be quite dark.

However, I looked up your tannin and the description says "The addition of FT Rouge at the beginning of red wine fermentation helps preserve the grapes’ natural tannins so they can combine with anthocyanins to cre*ate optimal stable color." So, it sounds like it could definitely affect the color of your finished product.
Thanks Val- I did use a triple berry mix of blueberries, raspberries and black berries. Yeah, that's all the tannin I had on hand so I just rolled with it.
Thanks for the feedback.
I have friends who swear they get tipsier off of my wine than store bought, but I honestly don't know how that can be as the ABV should be about the same. As for worse hangovers, I haven't noticed this personally but maybe I am just building up a tolerance...LOL.

I have the same thing happen with my DB. My motto is "We don't make Fine wines, We make Fun wines" I think one reason is they drink like a wine cooler but kick your butt like a "store bought"
Finally pushed some of my other obligations and hobbies out of the way so I could get to work on filling up some carboys! Started another 12 gal batch of dragon blood tonightImageUploadedByWine Making1430966023.440747.jpgImageUploadedByWine Making1430966056.605848.jpg

Will pitch the yeast tomorrow
I've been lurking on the Dave's threads for some time now. A batch of DB is next on the list when my primary opens up.

Does anyone have any insight about using orange and tangerine (whether it be juices or concentrates or fruit)? I was a child of the 80s and 90s and grew up drinking Ecto-Cooler. My thoughts are to try to capture those flavors in a wine and then backsweeten and then turn it green to make an adult Ecto-Cooler. I may be crazy, but would be glad to be told so before I try to make an orange/tangerine wine and turn it green for nostalgia purposes. Thanks in advance.
Quick Questions!

Hello, i started my 1 gallon batch a few weeks ago and i racked it to its secondary about a week ago, a week has passed and it hasn't cleared.
My question is should i rack it again and what's the longest it should stay touching the lees?
How often should i rack it?
If i do rack it should i add a campden tablet again?
If i do rack it should i add water every time i rack it to fill the carboy to the top?

Optional question: Also, the wine doesn't taste pretty good, i got a little sample and i added sugar to that sample and it tasted pretty darn good, so what's better Brown sugar or regular white sugar?
Hello, i started my 1 gallon batch a few weeks ago and i racked it to its secondary about a week ago, a week has passed and it hasn't cleared.
My question is should i rack it again and what's the longest it should stay touching the lees?
How often should i rack it?
If i do rack it should i add a campden tablet again?
If i do rack it should i add water every time i rack it to fill the carboy to the top?

Optional question: Also, the wine doesn't taste pretty good, i got a little sample and i added sugar to that sample and it tasted pretty darn good, so what's better Brown sugar or regular white sugar?

A few questions...

Did you degas the wine when you racked it? It is critical to getting your wine to clear.

Did you add a clearing agent? If not, that would be my next step.

If you did add a clearing agent, I would let it set for at least another week and see how it looks then. I have one that is at two weeks and it isn't quite clear yet. You can let it sit for a good month without worrying about it sitting on the lees.

With a DB, you shouldn't need to rack multiple times. I rack from the primary into the secondary, let it clear, rack off the sediment into a clean carboy for backsweetening, let it sit for a few days and then either filter (if you have the equipment) or bottle.

If I do need to top up, I usually use wine not water. But again, this is why I only rack the bare minimum of times so that it isn't a big concern.

I wouldn't worry about adding another campden tablet unless you have to wait a couple months before it clears or you end up having to rack an extreme amount of times...but that's just me.

I have never backsweetened a Dragon Blood variety with brown sugar. I use either white table sugar or sometimes juice concentrate.

Just my two cents! :b
A few questions...

Did you degas the wine when you racked it? It is critical to getting your wine to clear.

Did you add a clearing agent? If not, that would be my next step.

If you did add a clearing agent, I would let it set for at least another week and see how it looks then. I have one that is at two weeks and it isn't quite clear yet. You can let it sit for a good month without worrying about it sitting on the lees.

With a DB, you shouldn't need to rack multiple times. I rack from the primary into the secondary, let it clear, rack off the sediment into a clean carboy for backsweetening, let it sit for a few days and then either filter (if you have the equipment) or bottle.

If I do need to top up, I usually use wine not water. But again, this is why I only rack the bare minimum of times so that it isn't a big concern.

I wouldn't worry about adding another campden tablet unless you have to wait a couple months before it clears or you end up having to rack an extreme amount of times...but that's just me.

I have never backsweetened a Dragon Blood variety with brown sugar. I use either white table sugar or sometimes juice concentrate.

Just my two cents! :b
I dont't have a clearing agent, i thought i wouldn't need since i'm making such a small batch.
Some also said degassing wasn't necessary since it's a small batch also. :/
Do i really need a clearing agent?
given enough time It may fall clear from my understanding. the Sparkloid just makes it happen faster. the degassing helps it to clear faster as well.

just what i've picked up.
given enough time It may fall clear from my understanding. the Sparkloid just makes it happen faster. the degassing helps it to clear faster as well.

just what I've picked up.

I racked it before i read the comments. As of right now it tastes pretty awful! :s It has no flavor and it's harsh on the throat!
I'm gonna REALLY rely on back sweetening it for a better taste!
Oh i just remembered i have Glycerin "It sweetens, adds body, smooths and mellows wine"!!!!!!:HB
Thanks for the awesome help, i love how you guys take the time to pass on your wisdom or at least give us some heads up! Thanks!
I racked it before i read the comments. As of right now it tastes pretty awful! :s It has no flavor and it's harsh on the throat!
I'm gonna REALLY rely on back sweetening it for a better taste!
Oh i just remembered i have Glycerin "It sweetens, adds body, smooths and mellows wine"!!!!!!:HB
Thanks for the awesome help, i love how you guys take the time to pass on your wisdom or at least give us some heads up! Thanks!

As Black-Opal said, it will clear on it's own (usually) given enough time, especially if you used the triple or quad berry mix.

Backsweetening is definitely where the flavor comes through with this wine, so I am sure you will end up being happy with it. I really don't think you will need the glycerin...the sugar should do the trick!
I've been lurking on the Dave's threads for some time now. A batch of DB is next on the list when my primary opens up.

Does anyone have any insight about using orange and tangerine (whether it be juices or concentrates or fruit)? I was a child of the 80s and 90s and grew up drinking Ecto-Cooler. My thoughts are to try to capture those flavors in a wine and then backsweeten and then turn it green to make an adult Ecto-Cooler. I may be crazy, but would be glad to be told so before I try to make an orange/tangerine wine and turn it green for nostalgia purposes. Thanks in advance.

I did a citrus punch using equal parts: orange, tangerine, lemon, lime, and grapefruit juices. I followed the "Skeeter Pee" recipe. I was trying for 5 Alive wine. Straight juices not concentrated. It tastes more of lemon lime grapefruit with the orange basically disappearing. It made a very smooth wine that my wife really likes.

I've been thinking of doing one of these myself. Did you have to fortify it with sugar, or was the original SP high enough?

Do you think it would have worked out better if you had doubled up on the orange juice?

I did a citrus punch using equal parts: orange, tangerine, lemon, lime, and grapefruit juices. I followed the "Skeeter Pee" recipe. I was trying for 5 Alive wine. Straight juices not concentrated. It tastes more of lemon lime grapefruit with the orange basically disappearing. It made a very smooth wine that my wife really likes.
