It’s supposed to be tart. It’s triple berry lemon wine. And I like tannin myself.
I’m not sure what “back of jaw punch” means. Could you explain?
Is it original recipe or did you switch things up?
I make a cherry. 3 pounds tart, 3 pounds sweet. Backsweeten with 3 cups sugar, and sometimes for a real crowd pleaser, I'll add 6 oz. Brewers best natural chocolate People love it.Has anyone made Cherry? do you need more than 6lbs for 6 gal?
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First batch clearing nicely! Unintentionally a quad berry. I bought my Triple Berry Blend from 2 different stores and they didn't contain the same blend. I had to say WOAH to my non-wine drinking friend who performed the taste test - she chugged the whole cup and loved it.
Why only 1 pound per gallon of fruit it's usually 3-4 pounds per gallon?
About six days after yeast pitch on my first batch of Dragon's Blood and I'm starting to notice a slight rotten egg smell which I assume is a SO2 due to stressed yeast. Is there anything I should do in addition to the steps laid out in the directions? Add more nutrient?
Current S.G. is 1.010...still dropping over time, but the curve is naturally not as steep as earlier in the week. The temperature -- after the initial spike at 36 hours post yeast-pitch when it climbed to 77F -- has slowly dropped. I've been trying to manage it to be at or just below 70F and have been within 1 degree of 70F over the past two days. I've followed the directions closely except I've been pressing the fruit and stirring twice daily, roughly every 12 hours.
About six days after yeast pitch on my first batch of Dragon's Blood and I'm starting to notice a slight rotten egg smell which I assume is a SO2 due to stressed yeast. Is there anything I should do in addition to the steps laid out in the directions? Add more nutrient?
Current S.G. is 1.010...still dropping over time, but the curve is naturally not as steep as earlier in the week. The temperature -- after the initial spike at 36 hours post yeast-pitch when it climbed to 77F -- has slowly dropped. I've been trying to manage it to be at or just below 70F and have been within 1 degree of 70F over the past two days. I've followed the directions closely except I've been pressing the fruit and stirring twice daily, roughly every 12 hours.