DangerDave's Dragon Blood Wine

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I'm making my 2nd batch, using 4.7kg of cherries, and the SG dropped super fast in the last 24 hrs. Does this seem right? Temp has been around 26C. I had hoped to step feed to bump the alcohol up, but if the 1.094 is accurate and it stops at 0.992 like my first batch, then it'd end up around 13.9-14% as it is.

Day 1 - 1.080
Day 2 - 1.086 (added yeast)
Day 3 - 1.094
Day 4 - 1.040
I'm glad you're excited, but be aware. If you are anything like me or @BigDaveK, you will find you have made 60+ gallons over a 8-9 month span.. Now, do I regret it? No! But I have dreams about making wine.... šŸ˜‚
My morning routine - make coffee, feed indoor and outdoor cats, watch bubbles in airlocks for a couple minutes.

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who dreams about making wine! šŸ¤£
Actually I have 30+ gallons I'm gonna be putting in primary in the next couple of weeks. It's not that much of a stretch.
I'm right there with you. Cleaning out the freezers, thawing pears for three gallon batch number 4, will have enough for batches 5 and 6. Did I really freeze 240 lbs of pears?!

The downside? 6 carboys out of commission for at least 6 months. I'm sure you feel my pain.
My Dragons Blood starts probably on Thursday/Friday and its all I've been able to think about. Crazy huh? Chemicals I ordered arrived at the USPS sorting station and it appears USPS has no idea how important this is to my pending DB wine schedule! Hurry up, SORT and DELIVER.

BTW ... ordered two more carboys because of this "let it sit" to wine making I'm learning about. I need to have more going to keep busy.
The downside? 6 carboys out of commission for at least 6 months. I'm sure you feel my pain.
BTW ... ordered two more carboys because of this "let it sit" to wine making I'm learning about. I need to have more going to keep busy.

And now you know why it seems carboys breed like rabbits šŸ°!
I'm making my 2nd batch, using 4.7kg of cherries, and the SG dropped super fast in the last 24 hrs. Does this seem right? Temp has been around 26C. I had hoped to step feed to bump the alcohol up, but if the 1.094 is accurate and it stops at 0.992 like my first batch, then it'd end up around 13.9-14% as it is.

Day 1 - 1.080
Day 2 - 1.086 (added yeast)
Day 3 - 1.094
Day 4 - 1.040
As long as there are no "off" smells, I wouldn't worry about a fast ferment.
My morning routine - make coffee, feed indoor and outdoor cats, watch bubbles in airlocks for a couple minutes.

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who dreams about making wine! šŸ¤£
Awkward confession... One was at your place. we were working to get the walnuts down so you could make wine.. I've been meaning to thank you for your hospitality. Your property is great and the cats are lovely. šŸ˜‚ :oops:
Yikes, I was wrong, you're absolutely right! I guess I horribly confused "equipment inventory" with "in use". Won't happen again!
I suppose it depends on whether you are a wine maker or a wine drinker. If you like making more than drinking, then I suppose one could see it from your first perspective.
Both Dragon Blood 6 gallon carboys I purchased via Internet arrived today shattered/broken in the boxes .... I did not accept from FedEx. UGGGGG

First they lose Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks in Castaway) in a plane crash for four years on a deserted island but now break my carboys while they are still in the box!
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Both Dragon Blood 6 gallon carboys I purchased via Internet arrived today shattered/broken in the boxes .... I did not accept from FedEx. UGGGGG

First they lose Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks in Castaway) in a plane crash for four years on a deserted island but now break my carboys while they are still in the box!
Depending on what you ordered, it may be for the best. This is way more information than you will ever want on the subject, but the beginning will give you the gist, and at the 15 minute mark you can see how cheaply made carboys have severe flaws in them.

I have not experienced a carboy failure. In fact I dropped a full amazon 3 gallon on my quartz counter and it survived and chipped the counter, but I figure you deserve fair warning. Apparently in the last few years cheap carboys have been failing on people. Literally failing without being touched, or the bottom drops out when picked up. Buying Italian carboys from a brew shop seems to be a safe bet, as well as used ones.
I saw this video and was sure to order "made in Italy" carboys. Guessing I need another plan! I appreciate seeing the video again though .... its an interesting watch.
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Besides the possibilities of counterfits on Amazon, FedEx/UPS is the weak link in buying carboys online. I'm about an hour and a half from my nearest best option, so I make the trip every now and then when I need something and make sure to get whatever else I may need while I'm there. It looks like Indiana has a smattering of them througout the state as well. I don't know where you live, but an afternoon trip may be in order. And may be more reliable than taking your chances with shipping.
My chemicals arrived last night, two bags of triple berries were thawing out and I thought the stars & moon were at the right angle for the start of my Dragons Blood wine. Thought about trying to video the process and then it dawned on me this might be a really bad idea. lol. Anyway, the DB sat all night as the recipe indicated and today at 12p I pitched the yeast. With a warm heated blanket hugging my fermentor to 76* we now have activity.

Wife thinks I need help, (professional help) because I stand watching my fermentor for any changes. The smell is really good and I thought this might be a blush but NO ..... its a dark red/purple after just 20 hrs. I'm sorry to carry on but there is no one as excited about making new wines and talking about it than YOU GUYS.
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