Devices to make measuring acid and ph easier?

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Senior Member
Mar 5, 2012
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I have a hanna mw102 for measuring ph and acid. It gets kinda cumbersome with two probes, a not so good testing vessel, no stand and no clamps for the probes.

What devices have you bought or built to aid this process?

What devices have you made that works good, using your highly developed minds?

What devices have you made that works good due to you just plain dumb luck?

Thank You.
I made a lab stand from plastic cutting board bought from Walmart and wooden dowel. I am a bit handy with woodworking tools so I turned a 3/8" dowel X 15" long. Cut threads on one end of dowel and made a wooden nut. Drilled 3/8 hole on one end of board and mounted dowel. Added wood feet on 4 corners. Bought pipette holder online from Amazon and mounted it to the dowel. I clip my pH meter to the arms of the pipette holder. Please see photo below.

I am sure I posted an answer to this yesterday, but its not here.

I bought a "ring stand" from Amazon, along with a few clamps that attach to it. Also, a mix-stir magnetic stirring device. My ring stand is set up sort of like the picture in this post, but I have the mix-stir on the table and one clamp holding the test jar and the other clamp holding the pH meter.

I use this for my pool chemical testing as well. Different test jars, of course!

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