I bought 10lb of Black currant concentrate that I want to make wine with. I know acidity is high so I diluted a 1oz sample of concentrate to 20oz with well water and enough sugar to bring the SG up to 1.104. I then took it to work for testing. pH was 3.00 and TA came in at 1.1% (11g/L). This was my first time measuring TA but I'm pretty sure I did it right. I used the pH meter and titrated to 8.0.
The taste of the must is good. Does not taste too acidic but there is a lot of sugar there. Color is very dark red but you can see through it if put by a window or light bulb. My plan is to use Lalvin 71B to ferment. I read a study that showed many black currant varietals having 3-5% malic acid on average.
Do you think that these numbers are okay to proceed? Any ideas or previous experience with black currant fermenting or blending would be appreciated as well. Would you suggest any additional ingredients like spices or maybe honey to try? I've never made anything with black currant before.
This is the concentrate that I bought.

The taste of the must is good. Does not taste too acidic but there is a lot of sugar there. Color is very dark red but you can see through it if put by a window or light bulb. My plan is to use Lalvin 71B to ferment. I read a study that showed many black currant varietals having 3-5% malic acid on average.
Do you think that these numbers are okay to proceed? Any ideas or previous experience with black currant fermenting or blending would be appreciated as well. Would you suggest any additional ingredients like spices or maybe honey to try? I've never made anything with black currant before.
This is the concentrate that I bought.