Greetings Folks,
I am working with a 4 gallon batch of Marquette WIne that I harvested this past fall. I let my wife "bully" me into harvesting the grapes a bit early. The primary & Secondary went off fine, with the wine being a bit on the "Tart" side. I elected to sweeten the wine using a commercial Wine Conditioner/Sweetener. at the recommended 1 TBS/Liter (or whatever spoon it was). Anyhow, the resultant wine was pretty close to the sweetness I was looking for. I also added the equivalent of 4 Campden Tablets.

At this time I also added an "American Oak Medium Toast Spiral" to the carboy planning on just leaving it in for a week or so to add a mild oak touch. (I sanitized the spiral by soaking in campden solution as outlined in the instructions, and dropped her into the carboy. Put the airlock on.
After about 2 days, it appeared that the wine was "refermenting", foam showing up un surface, etc.. I pulled a sample and sure enough.. it was indeed "Recarbonated". I kept an eye on it and let the Oak Spiral "steep" for 2 weeks, racked the wine into another carboy and let it settle for a few days. It was still fairly carbonated.
Today (13th), I racked the wine through a #2 Filter on my Vino Mini Filter, added 1/2 tsp/Gal Potassium Sorbate to the blend, and then Proceeded to Vacuum Degas the wine. I used my vacuum pump an kept it under constant vacuum until the bubbles stopped:

Everything went as planned, until I got to thinking!
Since I added the Potassium Sorbate prior to Degassing, Did I actually "Degass" the potassium/sorbate solids right out of the wine as well? (sulfites too?)
Should I re-add the perscribed dose of PSorbate & Metabisulfide ?
Thanks in advance for your sage advice!
I am working with a 4 gallon batch of Marquette WIne that I harvested this past fall. I let my wife "bully" me into harvesting the grapes a bit early. The primary & Secondary went off fine, with the wine being a bit on the "Tart" side. I elected to sweeten the wine using a commercial Wine Conditioner/Sweetener. at the recommended 1 TBS/Liter (or whatever spoon it was). Anyhow, the resultant wine was pretty close to the sweetness I was looking for. I also added the equivalent of 4 Campden Tablets.

At this time I also added an "American Oak Medium Toast Spiral" to the carboy planning on just leaving it in for a week or so to add a mild oak touch. (I sanitized the spiral by soaking in campden solution as outlined in the instructions, and dropped her into the carboy. Put the airlock on.
After about 2 days, it appeared that the wine was "refermenting", foam showing up un surface, etc.. I pulled a sample and sure enough.. it was indeed "Recarbonated". I kept an eye on it and let the Oak Spiral "steep" for 2 weeks, racked the wine into another carboy and let it settle for a few days. It was still fairly carbonated.
Today (13th), I racked the wine through a #2 Filter on my Vino Mini Filter, added 1/2 tsp/Gal Potassium Sorbate to the blend, and then Proceeded to Vacuum Degas the wine. I used my vacuum pump an kept it under constant vacuum until the bubbles stopped:

Everything went as planned, until I got to thinking!
Since I added the Potassium Sorbate prior to Degassing, Did I actually "Degass" the potassium/sorbate solids right out of the wine as well? (sulfites too?)
Should I re-add the perscribed dose of PSorbate & Metabisulfide ?
Thanks in advance for your sage advice!