Do Acid Levels Change?

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Aug 8, 2012
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Northern Arizona
I'm going to try to approximate a pretty inexpensive commercial wine for a family member and thought I'd start by testing that wine and matching the ABV, Acid, ph and sugar as close as possible. I'd guess that I've read something here that would answer this but can't seem to access the info in my brain.

Does your initial Acid level increase, decrease or stay the same through to bottling? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

after ageing and cold stabilization I have seen tartaric acid crystals precipitate and fall to the bottom, especially in whites. So I would imagine that acidity can change when that happens.
Of course it will change during fermentation. Afterwards, if tartaric crystals are going to fall out, the level will change. After that it is considered "reasonably" stable. As it gets really old it will change; After all , it likely will eventually turn to vinegar
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So if I had a target of say .5 should I start mine shy of that or slightly over that OR just measure and adjust again after fermentation?
Probably just answered my own question huh?
So if I had a target of say .5 should I start mine shy of that or slightly over that OR just measure and adjust again after fermentation?
Probably just answered my own question huh?

I assume you mean an acid level of TA 5.0.

Normally it is best to adjust the acid before fermentation. Your case is going to be different.

You can increase the TA easier than you can decrease it, so in this special case, I would not adjust the acid until you finish fermenting and the wine is clear. At that time, if it is too high you can do a cold stabilization; if it is too low you can increase the acid in no less than two steps. The first step always, always add half of what you think it will really take to reach your goal, then test TA again and adjust again is necessary. This is because each wine is very different from the next and the formula for acid addition can be very wrong.