Do you say thank you with your wine?

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Dec 9, 2009
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Western New York
Just wondering. Today the Ford salesman I purchased my new Fusion from gave me a Fiero sales brochure from back in 1986 when he sold Fieros. I wanted him to know I appreciated it so I took a bottle of my red raspberry wine with me and gave it to him. I think he will like it.

I always thank the men at my recycling station with bottles of wine for them saving me empties. I also give some to my mailman on holidays.
Yes, I also say thank you with wine. It has always gone over well. Many times, the next time I see the person they say if I need anything else feel free to ask, if I have more wine!!!
How long do you remember those who go out of their way or give you something special like a bottle of great wine? A Long Time! They will go the extra mile, even though they are not asked to, for you.

A bottle of wine with a nice label and maybe a ribbon on it to dress it up is a wonderful gift.

I give bottles of of wine out to many. I joke about putting them on the bottle of the month club if they return the bottle. Most do and are rewarded again. Makes for good friends.
I don't give a wine with every thank you but those who have done something very special for us or do a fantastic job do get a wine from us. When the cable guy came to install the cable box for my daughter when she moved back with us went out of his to fix some other problems we had, he got a bottle. The guy who takes care of our vehicles gets a bottle, good mechanics are hard to fine.

Lol, I have a new puppy in the house, she is adorable but she chewed the cord on my computer so I asked the tech at work if we still had any of those cords and he said he had a box of them, he brought one down to my house after work, he got a bottle of wine.

Yes when you have someone who does a great job, they deserve an extra "thank you"
The restaurant owner that saves bottles for me is having a baby. I made special "baby girl" labels today and will be dropping off a few bottles Monday morning.
I have a few guys that like to help me with bottling and stuff. Yes they get a few bottles. Also the fed ex and UPS man come arounf quite a bit this time of year as I do most of my shopping on Amazon and they'll get a bottle. Yes the car mechanic also. I always buy raffle tickets off of him and won a rifle in one drawing and $300 in another.
I don't remember where I read it, or the exact wording, but keep in mind that home made wine cannot be given as gifts to clients as a condition of the transaction. For instance, if you are a salesperson, you can't give a bottle of your home made wine as a gift upon closing a sale (e.g. an incentive to close the deal).
I was thinking about giving some away, but don't want to waste it if someone doesn't like wine/like that wine.

On another note, do yall give wine for xmas presents?

As Lon said, its illegal (in most cases) for a business to give wine as a gift, IE. it can't be bartered, nor can a home winemaker give a couple bottled of wine as a discount.
Did yesterday. Guy helped me for a few minutes. Asked him what he wanted for helpin, he said nuthin. Gave him a bottle of cherry wine, he said he doesn't drink wine much but knows somebody who does (his wife). Arne