Very well said.
I had to laugh when I saw the siding. It's exactly the same as is going up in on the one next to me.
My new neighbor wants to talk about the fence too. I think he thinks I should pay for some of it since it's "a really nice fence". I just told him I don't care what he builds as long as its fully on his side of the property line and referenced the city code saying the same thing. Plus I'm pretty sure what he thinks is nice is what I think is hideous, I'm sure are tastes are at opposite ends of the spectrum.
What it really boils down too is that he was too cheap to do a survey and wants to remove the existing fence and replace it with his but doesn't know whose fence it is.
I also told him I would be a jerk about it and that even if I love the look of the fence, if it crosses the property line I'll make him move it.
What I can't decide is if he is so clueless and self-centered he truly can't understand why I'm annoyed or if he knows but is used to people just letting him walk over them.
I wonder the same thing about your fence remover - clueless or not?
ie , , , , talk to me, , , , ,
, , , , for it will only be tomorrow
, , , , l will not be there, ,
, , , , and the clean up crew will say
, , , , such a wonderful wine,
, , , , I wonder? , , God made this?
, , , , how can we find more?
, , , , and the clean up crew will say
, , , , such a beautiful mountain
, , , , God worked overtime, the details
, , , , if only, , we could share