dont be your age

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you would be arrested for those army men would have to play indoors....they have guns.....
I remember my Grandma's silver mylar Xmas tree. It had a rotating light disc that shined on the tree and slowly changed colors. I remember lights on our real tree that were so hot you couldn't touch them. You could smell the tree roasting all season long. A wonder it took so long to realize those were dangerous!

Riding in cars as a child. Up front. No seat belts. No child seats.

I remember playing all day in a pile of dirt with a big bag of green plastic army men.

Our seat belts were our Dad's streched out arms at all sudden stops. (While we were standing up in the seat of course)
The "Smells of our youth"....
The smell of the glue we used in putting together models.

The glue we used was called Testors and was made in Rockford, IL. Actress Susan St. James' (McMillan and Wife, Kate and Allie) dad was president of the company and became very famous in the 60s for coming up with a way to prevent "sniffing". The solution was to add horseradish!
I hate to be the one to keep the news rant going but, I remember way way back when I was in just Jr High the teachers bitching about the news. A new crime has swept America because one person got an idea and the news spread the idea. It was the big break out of Hi-Jacking. Geesh didn't the same exact thing happen 40 years later with school shootings. What other ideas can we spread. I know we can't stop the news and I don't won't them to be it sure does lead to more repeat crimes.

Now back tot he news, oops I mean original thread. How many of you would leave your parents house to travel somewhere far an had to call home when you got there. You didn't talk you just rang the phone twice and hung up so you wouldn't occur a long distance phone call.
I'm 46 and grew up in NW indiana. We used to go to "Pepsi" shows. Take 7 Pepsi bottle caps to the movie theatre and get in free. Used to watch Starsky an Hutch, Love Boat, Donny and Marie. Oh favs were Carrol Burnett I never understood Laugh In as a kid but now think its awesome. That was funny stuff.
I remember in high school I had to do a demonstrative speech for an English class. Took my compound bow and broad head arrows to school to demonstrate bow hunting. Try and do that now and you'll be in jail.
We used to travel with 9 people in a VW bug: Dad driving, Mom in the passenger seat with child #4 on her lap, children #1, 2, and 3 in the rear seat along with my grandmother, and children #5 and 6 in the "well" between the seatback of the rear seat and the engine firewall.

On the topic of kids' freedom, it is my belief that both positions are true: I believe that "stranger danger," while real, is overblown, and that curtailing children's ability to roam and play freely is causing a significant developmental deficit.

However, I ALSO believe that crimes against children were severely underreported back in the day, and that the lack of basic safety measures caused many preventable accidents. We all thought we were safe then, but we weren't as safe as everyone assumed. Every single person that is alive to read this underwent "selection bias" by surviving all the unsafe activities chronicled above. The dead ones are not writing in to say how unsafe some of our former practices were.....
Allright everyone. Who remembers watching Schoolhouse Rock on Saturday mornings?

Conjunction Function was the BEST EVER!!!!!!! and counting by 5's

To this day I don't know what we "Air Raid Sirens" are called anymore. I still hear them but I don't thinks we're being bombed.

I remember hitch hiking to a town 50 miles away to work at a camp for the mentally retarded when I was 15. I didn't think anything of it.

When I was in 4th grade I took the City bus (in MPLS) 1 hour for piano lessons. Or go down town to buy Hockey equipment or see "Live And Let Die"

One night,when I was very young, I remember lying in bed listening to "Angie" (rolling Stones) and hearing the lightening strikes through the radio. I starting crying because I though for sure we were getting bombed that night.

When I was in 5th grade these yellow buses showed (at school) up with Avery, Terry and other's from North Minneapolis. Didn't know why they came but Those 2 became pretty good friends. 2 years later, in Junior High, we had racial riots. I never did figure out why.

I remember once, I could actually read the numbers of the North Star's jersey's when I was watching a game. WHAT A GREAT PICTURE!!!!. Last night I saw a bugger on the nose of a player. I guess I AM getting up there LOL

Remember the Jackson 5 cartoon on Saturday morning? In fact, remember Saturday morning cartoons??? the Beatles was one of my favorite cartoons.
Playing "Lunar" on the teletype in highhschool

OK I could go on and on
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Wow! This is quite a trip in the "Way Back Machine" Professor. Chronologically I'm 61, Mentally 17, Physically sometimes I feel like 100. Any body remember Amos and Andy and Our Miss Brooks with Ann Southern. :h
How about Edgar Bergen with Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd! My older brother was abudding ventriloquist back in the day. I used to think it a lost art, until Jeff Dunham came along. Great preformer!
I remember Our Miss Brooks , Love That Bob, Dobie Gillis, and Ding Dong School. I remember going fishing in a pond that was more mud than water. That snow days in school were not called unless the buses could not move at all.
ahh...the big nose guy..i remember that.
little rascals, the beave,dobie gillis,
then old movies, spencers mountain,those galloways,mclintock...
just to name a few....cept they werent old the.
66 we didn't get TV until 1956,listen to a lot of radio programs ,aimos and Andy,howdy doody,wsm grand old opery,on TV little rascals,bowery Boys,Roy Rodgers,Cisco Kid,Marshal Dillon,Big valley,so on.Ben making wine off and on around 13 or 14.