Dormant Spray before or after pruning?

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Jul 18, 2020
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Title says it all. I am leasing a new vineyard I don't know much about and was planning to do a dormant bordeaux spray, but after looking around a little I haven't been able to determine if I should spray before or after pruning. I would assume after which would require less spraying but just want to confirm.

I always spray after. Less to spray, and much easier to get a thorough coverage of next year's vine. I use a strong lime sulphur mix.
Dormant sprays need to cover the entire surface. So are often applied after trimming for economical reasons. But "often" does not mean "always". There are many reasons to apply a dormant spray before trimming, and many depend on the pests one may want to deal with.

And that means that different pests (fungal, insects, mites etc), can mean different sprays (copper, sulfur, oils, etc), at different times. So the answer may be, but is not always, simple or singular. It will depend on what pest you are spraying for and your local conditions.

I typically recommend one contact their local University or Ag extension for what is suggested for their area, and for the pest they want to control. As dormant spray schedules and sprays suggested can vary across regions.
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I have only sprayed after pruning. Why spray long canes that I’m only going to cut off and burn?
Also, a dormant spray might not even be necessary if you will be keeping up with any issues that arise during growing season. I am able to skip it without any noticeable difference, but I do maintain a clean vineyard and keep up with spraying during the season.
Title says it all. I am leasing a new vineyard I don't know much about and was planning to do a dormant bordeaux spray, but after looking around a little I haven't been able to determine if I should spray before or after pruning. I would assume after which would require less spraying but just want to confirm.

Edward here.
I am looking for a lease document for leasing a vineyard. Seems complicated about how much to pay per year. Etc
Can you give me your example? I am in California... [email protected]
Thank you!
Title says it all. I am leasing a new vineyard I don't know much about and was planning to do a dormant bordeaux spray, but after looking around a little I haven't been able to determine if I should spray before or after pruning. I would assume after which would require less spraying but just want to confirm.

I spray after pruning with lime sulfur hoping it helps with sanitizing the pruning wound from disease. Don't know if it does but I figger it can't hurt

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