Dumbest Guy Alive Award Goes to ME!

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Jan 10, 2012
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Ok.. So I was on my online banking statement this morning and noticed a $5.37 charge from a company that said RECUR DEBIT CARD PAYMENT NB MINNEAPOLIS ROSEVILLE. So not being aware of any company with that name and not ever doing business with any company in Roseville MN I called my bank. They looked back a few months and noticed SEVERAL charges from the same company for amounts ranging from 5.38 to 104.99. She said the scammers will start with small amounts and then just start auto recur deducting in different amounts. So about 30 minutes later as we were completing the fraud forms and canceling my check card I decided to google the company NB MINNAPOLIS ROSVILLE and guess who came up? NORTHERN BREWER! My LHBS! So not only do I feel like a complete idiot with the lady at the bank but now she knows that I have a severe addiction to wine making. To come to my defense a little the store I visit is in Richfiled MN and not Roseville.. But still.. boy did my face turn red.

I wish I had inexplicably small winemaking supply charges on my cards!
Better to err on the side of caution, I say. At least you're being vigilant instead of letting identity theft scammers take advantage of you.
I have noticed the description that appears on the debit charge does not always match what I thought it should be. When I see one I usually Google it and it will come back something like "Home Depot." Better to be safe than sorry however.
fishonline, that's why I pay cash for my brew supplies. My wife can't trace how much I really spend there, Lol.
Truth be told in addition to the debit card I also use my work expense check reimbursement’s for miscellaneous work expenses on wine supplies. That's what I refer to as "momma don't know money"! lol
LMAO!!! this is one of the reasons that I took a part time job at my LHBS...lol,
I trade services for some equipment now and then.

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