My 2024 Pinot Noir is nearing the end of its fermentation, and I thought I'd pass on this observation which was a new one for me. My two 44 gal fermenters with RC212 have fermented vigorously; my native yeast experiment in a third fermenter was of course slower to get going but has caught up, and all seemed well, except...
Things seem to have stalled out around 0.2 brix (1.0008 for those of you who work in SG). Here is my fermentation profile (#1 and #2 RC212, #3 native):

Based on prior experience I would expect -1 to -1.5 brix for absolutely dry wine. However, it sure tasted dry (and good!) and the cap has dropped, leading me to think fermentation was over.
One thing I noticed was that there was an unusually large amount of white flocculent sediment in my sample jar:
This photo was taken only a minute or so after filling the sample cylinder, and as you can see it's already settling out. So I took a larger sample and left it to settle for 30 minutes or so, after which I decanted it and retested brix. This time it was -1.1, much more in line with expectations. It seems like that white fluffy stuff (yeast? fruit pulp?) was buoying up the hydrometer and giving me a falsely high reading. Curious as to whether others have experienced this?
Things seem to have stalled out around 0.2 brix (1.0008 for those of you who work in SG). Here is my fermentation profile (#1 and #2 RC212, #3 native):

Based on prior experience I would expect -1 to -1.5 brix for absolutely dry wine. However, it sure tasted dry (and good!) and the cap has dropped, leading me to think fermentation was over.
One thing I noticed was that there was an unusually large amount of white flocculent sediment in my sample jar:

This photo was taken only a minute or so after filling the sample cylinder, and as you can see it's already settling out. So I took a larger sample and left it to settle for 30 minutes or so, after which I decanted it and retested brix. This time it was -1.1, much more in line with expectations. It seems like that white fluffy stuff (yeast? fruit pulp?) was buoying up the hydrometer and giving me a falsely high reading. Curious as to whether others have experienced this?