smurfe said:
Are there any characteristics of these particular varieties that make them more desirable to any other Elderberry? I am very interested in planting some. Will a tree take years to produce? I have finally got moved and have some land to plants a few things. Elderberries are on my list. How are these priced compared to bushes I can order from Henry Fields/Gurneys?
I have been ordering mail order for years [and I am old] and never been impressed with Henry Fields/Gurneys/Farmers/Spring Hill and other companies that are based in Bloomington IL....They are all owned by the same company and do not have good reputations...They do not have very good plants, stingy with the seed count and not good on customer service...
Check out the Garden Watch Dog...anyone can rate the service they have recieved...look up a company you might want to do business with before you buy....Rate your favorites...[/QUOTE]
I never realized those places were in Bloomington. Until I moved to Louisiana I lived like 50 miles south of Bloomington and went there all the time. Small world. I always thought those places were in North Dakota or somewhere in that neck of the woods. I am sure when I ordered form them before my stuff came from North Dakota.
I did a quick search and it says they are in Indiana. There is a Bloomington there as well which wasn't too far from me as well. My Mom ordered from Henry Fields and Gurneys years ago. Mostly seed packs but live plants as well. I ordered some shrubs and a few trees from Henry Fields about 12 years ago. no complaints or problems. Looks like a different company operates them now though. Guess they aren't a family business anymore.
Edited by: smurfe