Elderberry - Blueberry

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Dec 28, 2009
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I'm starting my next batch of fruit wine. I'm steaming 18 lbs of elderberries, 8 lbs of blue berries and 2 lbs of mixed fruit that have been in the freezer for quite a while. I'm figuring on adding 2 1/2 lbs of raisins in the primary and will be shooting for a 6 gallon batch. At present I have no idea the rest of the recipe so I will post that later. I'm shooting for 1.086 for sg and abt .60 % for acid.
I'm starting my next batch of fruit wine. I'm steaming 18 lbs of elderberries, 8 lbs of blue berries and 2 lbs of mixed fruit that have been in the freezer for quite a while. I'm figuring on adding 2 1/2 lbs of raisins in the primary and will be shooting for a 6 gallon batch. At present I have no idea the rest of the recipe so I will post that later. I'm shooting for 1.086 for sg and abt .60 % for acid.

Sounds good - keep us informed!!!
I ended up with just over 3 1/2 gallons of juice in total. I was intending on doing a 6 gallon batch but after I added 12 lbs of sugar to bring it to 1.088 I realized I forgot the 1/2+ gallon of juice. I added 2 lbs of sugar to that and filled to a gallon then took a gallon from the intial primary and added to my 2 gallon primary. In total I'll start with about 7 gallons of juice in primaries and hope to end with 6 in total.

Here's what I have for the 7 gallons of juice.

3 1/2+ gallons of streamed juice (18 elderberry, 8 blueberry and 2 mixed fruit)
14 lbs of sugar (juice amd water alone was only coming out about 1.008)
5 tbls acid blend (didn't check level but went by taste for now. I know not real scientific but I figure I'm on the low side but flavor was real good) will adjust later.
1/4 tsp kmeta

Will add pectic enzyme in the am. Figuring about 30 drops.
Looks good so far

Thanks Tom,

Coming from you or Wade that means alot. I know I should have tested the acid, but based on taste it was good and I figure I can adjust post fermentation. I was planning on using either Lavin d47 or 1122 as I have both on hand. Any other suggestions?
Checked sg last night, i'm down to 1.052. It is only about 60-65 degrees in my basement right now so this is going to be a very slow ferment. It is going nicely and has good aroma.
Checked sg last night, i'm down to 1.052. It is only about 60-65 degrees in my basement right now so this is going to be a very slow ferment. It is going nicely and has good aroma.

Good luck to you for this and I will definitely say keep checking it always.....
I checked the Ph and Acidity of the Elderberry Blueberry wine with the Hanna Phep. Ph was 3.57 and Acidity came out to .825. This is a little higher than I anticipated since I added less acid up front with this batch than I did with my regular Elderberry. I'll take another reading at next racking when it will be ready to be stabilized. I need to get more NaOH.

Taste is good now with no harsh or tart overtones.
Ph at last check was 3.4. I backsweetened the 5 gallon carboy to 1.006 for now. This will definately take some time to age. Taste is very good but on the strong/astringent side. I need to back sweeten the 2 1-gallon jugs still. Thinking of taking on of them to 1.010 after I perform another PH and Acid test. Maybe over the weekend.
The 5 gallon carboy ended up at 1.004. I did back sweeten one of the gallon jugs to 1.010 and it tasted much better in our opinions. I'm racking everything into the primary bucket and I am going to sweeten to 1.008 for now and let it sit to determine if this is sufficient. I'll post back the prognosis later.
Did a Ph check, 3.21 and acid was .81% Higher than anticipated, considering this dropped crystals during cold stabilization. Was shooting for around .70%
I like my Elderberry with a little acid to it. I would think the Blueberry is overpowered by the Elderberry. It will add a lot of flavor to anything you put with it. We put just a bit in with Raspberry... great blend!


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