Ok, I need some advice and insight from the elderberry wine makers out there. I have only made wine from fresh berries once some time ago and mixed them half and half with blueberries. I called it "Old Blue" and it was delightful. But I digress.
I just acquired 4 gallons of elderberry concentrate that is frozen from a friend. I don't know if it is a commercial concentrate or was made by someone else. I do know that it is really thick and syrupy.
Anyway, I really don't know what the numbers typically are (acid/sugar) for pure unconcentrated elderberry juice. I'm not sure how best to proceed. What are the main acids in elderberries?
Should I dilute it to a SG of 1.090 and go with that or will it be too acidic/too much tannin and flavor?
Should I dilute it to the right acid level and adjust the sugar? Will it be too concentrated or too dilute at that point?
Should I try to dilute it to a less accurate taste point where I think it is right and then adjust?
Would you blend it with other juices/fruits or go with straight elderberry?
My intention is to make a dry red wine and I'll add oak in the primary and possibly later.
I just acquired 4 gallons of elderberry concentrate that is frozen from a friend. I don't know if it is a commercial concentrate or was made by someone else. I do know that it is really thick and syrupy.
Anyway, I really don't know what the numbers typically are (acid/sugar) for pure unconcentrated elderberry juice. I'm not sure how best to proceed. What are the main acids in elderberries?
Should I dilute it to a SG of 1.090 and go with that or will it be too acidic/too much tannin and flavor?
Should I dilute it to the right acid level and adjust the sugar? Will it be too concentrated or too dilute at that point?
Should I try to dilute it to a less accurate taste point where I think it is right and then adjust?
Would you blend it with other juices/fruits or go with straight elderberry?
My intention is to make a dry red wine and I'll add oak in the primary and possibly later.