RJ Spagnols EP Super Tuscan

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Jul 29, 2013
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Pitched yeast on September 22 on this one. Started out with an SG about 1.105 taken 24 hours later. Squashed the great pack and the oak chips teabags a couple of times a day. Accidentally made little holes in the oak teabags, but it seemed to help them sink a little bit better. Rack last night on September 29 at SG .998, and smells sooooo good. The teabags the Oak came in made the racking real clean. Even though I lost practically nothing, had to top up the dang Italian carboy with a full bottle of Sangiovese and still need to add a little bit more today.

Directions recommend about 20 days in secondary, but it also says until SG is .998 or lower which it actually already is. Wondering if I should actually leave in secondary for 20 days?
Sounds like an exciting kit. For my next "big" kit I might be doing their Super Tuscan Winery Series.

Sounds like it is fermenting faster than the instructions suggested. Maybe wait a few days and take another SG reading for making your 20 day decision? I think the pros here on the boards will tell you to go by SG and not number of days. Me, I'd call RJS CS and run it by them.
if SG is at low I'd move/rack to secondary.
if SG is at low I'd move/rack to secondary.

I read it that he is in secondary and the decision is whether or not to stay in secondary another 20 days until approx. day 28. He is at the SG now which the instructions say at approx. day 28 stabilize and clear.
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You're doing everything right on. Keep going by the instructions. You have not gained or lost anything.

Your yeast was just extra happy and did their job quicker than usual. Better that than the alternative!
I appreciate the input. I just topped it up completely with another half bottle of Sangiovese, and I'll leave it sit right where it's at for the next 19 to 20 days. Topping up is pretty annoying, but I realize I'm just moving it from one container to the other. I'll still get to drink it... In about 2 years!
I agree with your decision, Broge5. I had a similar situation a couple of years ago with the EP Amarone. I decided to let it sit in secondary for a full 21 days. And even though I didn't see any activity in the airlock, the SG dropped another .002. Could do the same in your case.
Directions recommend about 20 days in secondary, but it also says until SG is .998 or lower which it actually already is. Wondering if I should actually leave in secondary for 20 days?

I usually keep in secondary for at least the number of days the instructions suggest. I consider it "rest time" between fermentation and clearing. That is "rest time" for me and the wine! Did the instructions say for 20 days or until day 20? That's two different things and the different brands state differently. As long as you are topped up there's no huge rush. I am on day 21 of secondary on two kits and don't plan to rack and clear until Saturday which will be day 26. Keep us posted on this one.
Yes, the printed instructions also say to leave in secondary until day 28. Since I pitched the yeast on September 22, and then racked to secondary last night on the 29th, that will put me at about 20 to 21 days and secondary.

I agree with Tony, it is a little confusing and I have to make sure that I read correctly as to whether it is day 28 or for 28 days.

Did I mention how great this stuff smells? I love the smell of the fermenting reds. Still not too excited about my Pinot Grigio smell though.
My MM Renaissance Pinot Grigio is just started clearing yesterday. I keep thinking it's going to smell better, but then when I topped up with a bottle of Pinot Grigio I realized they actually smell the same. What a bummer. I guess it's just more proof that I really like the red ones better. I don't care much for sweet either. EI'm just trying to make something that I can drink while I'm waiting for these reds to be ready. :)
I am making a Winery Series Merlot. I started it on 9/21, by 9/25 my SG was 1.026 and on 9/26 I racked to a carboy and put it under airlock. If I let it rest for 28 days per the instructions @ 75/F I probably will not need to degas. It will degas itself:se
. If I let it rest for 28 days per the instructions @ 75/F I probably will not need to degas. It will degas itself:se

I doubt that but please report back and let us know. The 75 degrees will help no doubt. I am fanatic about my wine being completely still.
I started my own EP Super Tuscan last night. Initial SG was 1.104 by my hydrometer. First kit I have done with the dried grape skins, and they were far easier to handle than the jars/bags of wet crushed grapes. The prefermented juice smells wondeful, of course. You can tell the quality of juice in these EP kits is pretty high!
I started my EP Super Tuscan on 10/14.
What a great smelling must.
I also saved the grape skins to reuse in my next kit (most likely a pinot noir)

On 11/9 after more than 3 days at .998 I racked it. My hydrometer reading tend to be high due to cold, but I am confident in racking before the "28th" day the directions indicate.

I degassed the heck out of mine. used my AI1 for atleast 10 minutes and gass was still coming out.

I had to top up with 2 bottles of store bought and then sent it to the garage for a few weeks of cold storage.

I currently have my carboy wrapped in a blanket in a temp of high 30's to low 40s.

I am most likely going to have to degass again and let clear, since the cold will hinder the clearing..
How much are you guys paying for he EP series?
The winery series is $125 local pickup for me.
How much are you guys paying for he EP series?
The winery series is $125 local pickup for me.

I got mine on ebay for $156
I know my LHBS has a EP series for $189.

I looked around the internet and I found a few for $120ish, but after $30+ for shipping, I just went to ebay.
How much are you guys paying for he EP series?
The winery series is $125 local pickup for me.

FineVineWines has them for $138-$144, plus 9.99 shipping. The winery series kits there are about ten bucks less.

A difference of less than $0.50 per bottle at the end of the day.
$156 shipped?

Yes, There was no shipping.
At the time that was the best price I could find for the kit at that price.

I just checked out SouthernHombre and EP series are at $125 but shipping is
So I am still paying $157.

if I could find them cheaper, I would be all over it!