@CDrew raised a critical point -- loss of wine during racking. Every time a wine is racked, volume is lost, so this is among the reasons to rack a wine as few times as feasible. I made a list of things I do to reduce wine loss during racking.
: nod: the musts sat for about 16 hours between samples and i didn't see any activity — i pre-chilled my grapes with chips of dry ice in the bin as i was picking and iced the outside of the bins down during transport. the must was quite cold out of the press and took overnight to warm to 65. I did sample brix again and saw no change in that time. fermentation is picking up nicely in the primitivo (was corrected which one they grow!) now, but still a little cold, working on getting the musts up to 70.But if you ran these numbers the day after crushing (as opposed to day of previously), it could also be due to 'soaking up' - Grapes release sugars, potassium amongst other things (particularly since you added macerating enzymes) which can cause brix to rise and acid to fall. (You didn't post revised brix numbers and it's probably too late if your ferment has started, but I would imagine it also went up.) See my recent numbers for my 2023 syrah for another example.
With carboys, you will rack down with some volume loss each time. It's heartbreaking at first, but totally expected and normal.
But regardless, keeping your container full is imperative to exclude oxygen.
Keep your first effort simple. Don't mess with the pH or TA. Make the wine, and see what you think.