Expiration Date?

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That is the real problem with selling the kits. Unless you have a good volume, expiration is a real issue.
I have had it with the local shops I usually go to. They usually never have what you need or want or as I have came to find out, most of what they have is old stock. Found a kit over the weekend that I was going to buy until I looked at the date on box. It was almost a year and a half old! And not to mention it was $30 more than what George sells them for here. I am usually big on buying local and supporting local businesses but in this case, I just ordered 2 kits from George.
Buying local only works well if the seller stands behind what he sells and doesnt try to pawn off old goods on you. He should be selling an out dated kit for at least a discounted price!
The problem many local shops have is turnover. My LHBS is a big beer store but probably doesn't sell 10 wine kits/month. The selection is also very limited.

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