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Senior Member
Jan 12, 2012
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This is what brings such joy to a winemaker! I had given this couple some strawberry wine in February, but told them it would not be ready to drink until May. I even marked "MAY" on the bottle.

OK, so first the FB note left by his wife...

I have to share this. The date is April 31st. Laura: "Well Dale tomorrow's the first day of May" Without hesitation he replies: "O great we can drink Jim's wine now"


Now the later FB note left by her husband:

Decided that it was a strawberry kind of night, so opened your wine to that great aroma of fresh strawberry. That is a really nice wine, Jim. So much flavor! As Laura mentioned to you, my first thought in May was of your wine. It has been difficult waiting, but the wait was worth it! My only second thought is that I should have not opened it at 8:00 on a work night! Oh well! We will see what 4:15 am has to offer.

:h Gives me the warm fuzzies!
Edit: Woah that's weird, the forum app deleted an entire paragraph of my post. I sounded like a self absorbed prick. LOL!

I should have figured something was wrong with it when I was copying and pasting the paragraph and the words all bled together. I chocked it up to lack of sleep.

Short version:

Congratulations dude! Hope we all get there one day! I just feel good when people grunt at me at work and ask for wine. If they were raving about it on Facebook my head would probably explode.
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Nice going Jim, it does make you feel good when someone enjoys your wine!
I think making wine is like growing tomatoes, part of the fun is sharing with others:D