Mosti Mondiale Fantazia and Island mist

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Waldo said:
Very nice wine making area jobe..I too like the peg board idea.

And did you notice that the tasting glass had its own special hook thingy? Nice...

Stopped by to check in on the babies tonight and noticed that the Island Mist kits SG had dropped quite well since checked on Saturday. The IM peach/apricot kit was at 1.015 and the Blackberry Cab was 1.018 and not bubbling much. Not wanting to wait till the weekend, I went a head and racked them both tonight.


Notice the "B" and "C" that you can see on the carboy? Again, label everything when doing multiple kits, and label it upon opening and getting ready to assemble. The letters come right off the carboys.

Here are all te babies right were I can keep an eye on them now.


The Fantazia kits are still bubbling away nicely and as you can see, dropping and compacting lees very well. Didn't check SG, but still on the sweet side.


Just for you Wade........... Blackberry Port!

I sample all my creations at every step.........

Most of the time, it's great..... some times....... it's not so great.

So far, Im impressed with the body and mouth feel of the Fantazia kits, not so much the flavor. The IM kits are OK, however, realizing that the Cab base for the Blackberry cab is probably a week bodyed watered down version of a good cab, This is quite good right now. I'm going to have to make a Cabernet Wine and see if I like it.

Or were you refering to the Port?????

The Port..............

This batch seems a little hotter than the last. I'm letting it sit to clear more. But when I rack, I'll need some more to top up with. I have a 1.5 litre bottle with some port in it that I added 1/8 of a cup of malt to it to see if it would retain some of that malt taste. Not a lot of Malt, just enough to taste sweet, smotthen out the oak (about the same oak as before) and add some more body, not that it needs it. I will use that to top up and then it should be ready to bottle and age. I haven't decided on the sweetness yet.

Was the last port I did sweet enough?? I have never made one before that one, so let me know.

What should a port be at, 1.060?? I thought I read that somewhere. I would think 1.020 - 1.030 would be good.
I think it was awesome last time! Winemakermag says between 6 - 10 Brix.Thats 1.022 - 1.038
From another post of mine:

I have this kit and a strawberry going right now. They were ready for clarification a week and a half ago but I let them go because I was leaving town for a week and they wern't quite there yet. When I got to them on Saturday morning, both were crystal clear. I racked off the lees, added the meta and sorbate and left for 24 hours. Sunday I added the F pack (only one bag came with each kit, even though the instructions say to add "Both Bags" in each kit indicating there should be 2 f packs) (perhaps George can clear that up). and tonight it is still crystal clear, with only a couple small white chunks floating around when stirred up. The chunks (particles) are propably from the meta not being mixed well and laying there or solids in the sugar from the F pack. I will filter, so they will be of no issue.

I have started de-gassing and have seen no difference between this kit and any other kit as far as quantity of gas so far, but a couple of more degassing sessions will tell me more.

If all goes well, I will probably bottle these this coming weekend.

As for the Island Mist kits:

They too were not quite ready to be racked off the lees before I left for Vacation. Upon looking at them, they were still quite cloudy, so as per the instructions (better late than never), I racked, stabilized and added the clarifiers and will let them sit for another week or 2.

I would like to know how the Fantazia Strawberry turned out. I am new to this board and just read this entire thread. I am looking to make a Strawberry wine and would like to know how this turned out.

Thanks. John

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