Fermenting issue with Skeeter Pee

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SO were you feared i lead you down the wrong path, whither or not the ferment is done your must is way more protected in a carboy than in a bucket, as for lack of alcohol taste,,,,lemon is one of the best hiders of the alcohol, pineapple is another that hides the taste of alcohol,,,
No Dawg, I know you would never lead me down the wrong garden path. I used lime in my SP, but I am sure that it is similar in action to the use of lemon. I might HAVE to add high proof alcohol to it like you do if it doesn't ferment down!......................................Dizzy
No Dawg, I know you would never lead me down the wrong garden path. I used lime in my SP, but I am sure that it is similar in action to the use of lemon. I might HAVE to add high proof alcohol to it like you do if it doesn't ferment down!......................................Dizzy
when you make skeeter pee do you add all your lime at once or use a fraction to start, i run my pees to 18% before i ever add PGA, .
What sg did you start at? what was your starting Ph? What have you done so far to it?? I looked back some and didn't see anything like that.
Took your advice on step-feeding the starter and it is "foaming along"..............few bubbles here and there. At least there is some action happening. Put the carboy back on the heating pad with a brew belt around it's tummy, and a blanket snuggling it all in. Hoping with all this TLC, that the ferment drops to where it should be so I can re-rack for carboy aging.....................Thanks, Dizzy
As I said in my posts, the SG read has been 1.022 for some time now, but I did as cmason suggested, and added starter, then step fed into that some must. When I reached a gallon (which was still foaming), I added it to the 5 gallons of Skeeter Pee which was in the secondary fermenter. This morning there is a thin layer of foam on the top, but no active bubbling. I guess it will be a wait and see game..........................Dizzy
Dawg.......in answer to your question to me about when I add the lime, and how much? I know the directions say to add the two bottles, first, and then later add the third...................I was so excited to be making my first SP that I added all the lime at once! Maybe that has contributed to my current situation? Dunno, but it is foaming along, slowly, but steadily at this point...........................Dizzy
Dawg.......in answer to your question to me about when I add the lime, and how much? I know the directions say to add the two bottles, first, and then later add the third...................I was so excited to be making my first SP that I added all the lime at once! Maybe that has contributed to my current situation? Dunno, but it is foaming along, slowly, but steadily at this point...........................Dizzy
yep, i have had trouble with then types of wines, so now i add 1 bottle to 6 gal till i'm maxed out then i add the rest, , shucks i still get excited come time to start any must,,,, to me , starting a must and finishing with a wine it still feels magical to me, i spent a couple years before joining WMT, i read and read, to be honest i still cruse the posts for something to catch my attention, like for instance lime skeeter pee, do you just replace the lemon with lime? that green color dose stand out, i'm going to reread this thread,,,,
Yep, add a lil coconut, and it’s amazeballs. :try

sometimes I add a bit of green food coloring too.

i’ll bet that’s the problem with the ferment, that’s a ton of acid all at once.
yep to acidic types of juice dose hamper greatly, as for food color huh?,, all and i do mean all my wines are what fruits and berries i use,,, all colors comes naturally as does the tastes as well,,,
You said you are going by the DB? I am talking about the SP which calls for 7 pounds sugar?
hey Dizzylzzy on your lime your starting, do you use straight lime or limonade,,, and you dont use food coloring do you.
Yep, add a lil coconut, and it’s amazeballs. :try

sometimes I add a bit of green food coloring too.

i’ll bet that’s the problem with the ferment, that’s a ton of acid all at once.

first yes acidic juices need started with little juice then close to finish i add the rest of my juices, gal & diz yawl don't use any food color do yawl,
hey Dizzylzzy on your lime your starting, do you use straight lime or limonade,,, and you dont use food coloring do you.

first yes acidic juices need started with little juice then close to finish i add the rest of my juices, gal & diz yawl don't use any food color do yawl,
Mornin' Dawg.....................to answer your question, the lime juice I used was RealLime juice concentrate in a bottle, the cousin of RealLemon juice that the original SP receipe called for. This is my first time making it. An update on my stuck ferment: after pitching yeast starter it became foamy, then bubbling along, and I was happy as a clam. THEN, when it stopped bubbling I took an SG of 1.022 YET AGAIN!! I am giving up on getting it to ferment down. I will keep it in the secondary, re-rack when a new carboy becomes available and then add the high proof alcohol to boost the ABV. Also, if it becomes good enough to bottle I will add green food coloring so it will look appealing to the eye.
Yep, add a lil coconut, and it’s amazeballs. :try

sometimes I add a bit of green food coloring too.

i’ll bet that’s the problem with the ferment, that’s a ton of acid all at once.
Flaked coconut? Sweetened? Unsweeened? How much? Also, do you place in a nylon bag like with fruit? One other thing........Do you add the coconut to the primary or the secondary? Will appreciate your response......................Dizzy
Flaked coconut? Sweetened? Unsweeened? How much? Also, do you place in a nylon bag like with fruit? One other thing........Do you add the coconut to the primary or the secondary? Will appreciate your response......................Dizzy

I think it would be good with some Malibu rum added! I think I mentioned before that I add lime Bacardi infused with mint and let that sit while the wine is fermenting, strain out the mint, then add about a cup and a half along with some mint extract and call it a Mojito wine. I actually think it's one of my favorite wines of all the ones I make, especially for summer.
Flaked coconut? Sweetened? Unsweeened? How much? Also, do you place in a nylon bag like with fruit? One other thing........Do you add the coconut to the primary or the secondary? Will appreciate your response......................Dizzy

Extract. I’ve seen too many posts on here with issues in regard to real coconut, so I stick to extract with this one, or flavored syrup.
Extract. I’ve seen too many posts on here with issues in regard to real coconut, so I stick to extract with this one, or flavored syrup.
Morning, thankyou for the speedy reply. My thoughts didn't even go anywhere near extract, duh! Thanks, I do have some, as well as coconut rum (liquor). Which one I use will depend on the final SG and if I need to raise the ABV. Thanks again............................Dizzy
It might be a bit hard to see the color but this is how my finished product looks...

View attachment 62673
Val, that looks pretty, but more of a mint green rather than lime green. I am thinking about adding yellow and green food color to make it look more "lime-like". All this depends, of course, on if I can save my current batch of SP whose SG remains at a constant l.022 despite heroic efforts to dry it out. It's sitting in the secondary with an airlock.....will see what it looks like in a few months when I re-rack??......................Dizzy

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