Val, that looks pretty, but more of a mint green rather than lime green. I am thinking about adding yellow and green food color to make it look more "lime-like". All this depends, of course, on if I can save my current batch of SP whose SG remains at a constant l.022 despite heroic efforts to dry it out. It's sitting in the secondary with an airlock.....will see what it looks like in a few months when I re-rack??......................Dizzy
It is more of a mint color, which works for this batch of Mojito wine. I've added more green in the past when it was straight up lime. I've never tried a mix of yellow and green though. You'll have to share pics when it's done!
I've been following your fermenting issues. I'm sure you've read about mine not wanting to finish either and not being able to restart the ferment. Thankfully it made it down to 1.008 and since I backsweeten to 1.010 anyway, it's been just fine...well actually, delicious . I'm pretty sure that one of my mistakes at the beginning started the whole ordeal...I somehow forgot that I needed to wait a day after mixing all the must ingredients before pitching the yeast. I ended up using like three packets of yeast to try and save it but nothing helped. I want to start another batch next week (because this one's disappearing very quickly) so I'll be following the directions much more closely this time! Oh, I always use fining agent for my wines...I'm too impatient to let them sit in the carboy for months