So, for the few days that these were pinched down to a single leaf, they were fine, then they were good with the few small leaves, but now that it's gotten cooler...the leaves have browned. Any dead stems have been removed, but any with green buds still on them have been left-these will likely not root now but there's no harm in trying, as this is the last batch I'll have time to root and grow out this summer. I will trim these back to a single leaf tonight, to limit water loss. Back row is Malbec, then two Syrah, then 8 Zweigalt, and the "control" cutting is a 3309C close enough to the front of the box I can see root formation when it happens.
These are cuttings that are rooted, but may or may not survive. Any with a plastic bag over them are still very tender leaved and wilt easily-the one on the far end, front row had it's bag blown off today while I was at work, and the leaves wilted back severely-they may not come back now.
Here's lil wilty:
These two, (one is inside it's 2-liter greenhouse, as the cooler temps have been hurtful to it's tiny leaves too, apparently) are both 101-14, and both have good root systems. Both were cuttings taken near the end of the original shoot, but in the area just firm enough to cut-not the floppy actively growing tip, but just below it. Most of my successful cuttings have been about this size, and have been 2-bud cuttings.
The rooting chamber (they live in here about two weeks) is just a home despot flip-top clear container. Four holes poked in the bottom for drainage, and cuttings misted daily.
The tall white pots are just vinyl downspout, with fiberglass drywall tape drawn over the ends and duct taped into place. Reusable, 8" tall, 2x4 pots that allow good root growth, and discourage root binding.