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Senior Member
May 9, 2012
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Question when is it the best time to filter wine? At the beginning when racking from secondary vessel into carboys, to removing unwanted segments. Or at the end 6-8 months down the road.
time in a bottle

:sm when we talk about filtering a wine it is usually just prior to bottling,for we start removing sediment at the very beginning with finding agents such as Benoite,in the primary and at each consecutive racking we continue to remove or filter down the wine,mechanical filtering, is not always necessary but its the better way to remove any finite particles and polish the wine in the end,you'll find we all take a different approach ,but its the finish product that counts,the way you like it:rimo
It all depends...

My filter (bonvino superjet) has three grades, Blue (course), red (fine), and green (polish).

I like to filter at the blue level on my second recking (when the wine has cleared after comming off of the gross lees.

I then will filter my red wine to the red level prior to bottling, and a green for whites.
Most filtering is the final step when making wine. Its normally not for removing any sediment but giving wine a polished effect when its already totally clear.

Ok then, I will only filter at bottling time usually ten months or so down the road.
Thank you for all the input..
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I use a whole house filter 3 times for each wine. I first rack after using Superkleer without the filter. With the Superkleer it may block the filter. After 3 months I rack again using a 5 micron filter. Then one more time with 5 microns about 4-5 months later. Five months later I do it again but with a 1 micron filter. Then I bottle it when I'm ready. It could be 2 years in the carboy before it sees a bottle. Seems to work well. :b

Richard L.
Lurker has returned. :b:b
Filtering or not?

Always keep in mind, what filtering does .

:dgRacking, and patients should be your first steps
:dIf you rack properly use of right finding agents the clarity will show
:dgTime and patience are your allies , mechanical filtering should always be in the final stage , and even then be done with due diligence , to course of fiber could lead to a cloudy one down the road, to find a fiber and strip out vital tastes and aromas.

:try Proper wine making procedures and practices make clearing the wine a lot easier to understand and to applythe correct method when bottling time arrives . I