Finishing Hydrometer

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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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I'm not sure if I have mentioned this before but it's such a great tool I am giving it it's own thread.

A year ago or so I was in Houston and went by Defalco's brew and winemaking shop. (yes I'm a FVW devotee but it's hard to pass up a brick and mortar shop when in town). Anyway, I stumbled onto something called a finishing hydrometer. The scale only goes from 1.020 to .980. It's about the same size as a regular hydrometer so the numbers and markings are much larger and much farther apart. Very easy to read!
What did you have to plunk down for it Tony?

I see one for $29! :sh

Come on Mike,$29 is a small price to pay for something you strain to look at a whole bunch of times. I bought 4 hydrometers that are very close reading like that one but they read brix instead of sg. They were about $15 each.
Mikey, Mikey, Mikey! I just called Dafalco's in Houston they said they are $19.99.
Their website stinks so I'd just call them. But if you need me to spot you a few bucks I can.:ft
I know, I am sooooo tight when it comes to the toys....... :)

But seriously you can buy a regular one for only $5!

I think they are preying on us "old folks" LOL
Mikey we both have the same issue when it comes to toys, and it's not being tight. I do like easy though and if I have to pay a bit more for it, then so be it.
Come on,guys. This not supposed to be an "exact" science nor should it be. There are several ways to determine abv. Or whatever you are looking for. And what difference does 1 or 2 points of specific gravity really mean? The whole purpose is to have a wine we enjoy and can duplicate. Splitting hairs is taking the fun out of it. IMHO!
Barryjo I agree with you when it comes to taking a fermentation reading you can be close as long as the reading keeps dropping each day. When it comes to my final reading (sg or brix), I want an exact number. Also when your back sweetening it's extremely important to be exact, especially if you're working with a semi dry white wine. A point or two can make a huge difference.
I have to agree that one doesnt have to split hairs when it comes to knowing the exact SG out to the .00001th place when starting a batch.

But I, how ever wanted to know what was going on. The hydrometers you are talking about are called "narrow range." I have 3; 1.200-1.100, 1.00-0.900, and 1.020-0.098.They are so mush easier to read then a triple scale. Having a range spread over 6'' is nice. I have come to the conclusion the first 2 are not really needed. A triple scale does just fine.

I bought all three from the same place. If anyone is interested just Google 'narrow range hydrometer'


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