Getting closer and closer to racking into secondary.
Initially I was following a very simple guide from youtube but the more I learn, more and more detail questions come up.
0) It's been roughly 48 hours since primary fermentation has began. I wanted to try purchasing oak chips and adding it.
0.1) Should I add this now? (I've read it is best to add the oak chips before primary fermentation but maybe I should delay my racking to secondary a few extra days or just rack as scheduled and throw it in the secondary too?
Just add it into primary. Moving to secondary depends on the level of tannin.
1) From what I've read, I can get away with just my primary fermentation tub and a carboy. I don't have to purchase another container. For racking for the first time from my primary fermentation tub,
I can get away using a cloth (boiled then sanitized in bath of solution with campden tablets (
maybe 1 tablet/L is suffice? I have the standard 0.44g tablet-I think as it doesn't say) dissolved then rinsed clean) to strain my must into my carboy then back into my primary tub (which is simply rinsed with boiled water but being careful to cool the container).
1.1) At this point, should I do degassing?
degas in the secondary (less chance of oxidation to occur
1.2) (My youtube guide never said anything about degassing but I would think that this
would help settle anything floating and maybe shortening the time till bottling? -I know that the yeast will continue to make CO2 and alcohol until completely dry but still
wouldn't it help solid pieces settle?)
Yes. It will help but I also have bentonite in the must to help carry the CO2 to the top.
1.3) Also, I was contemplating on taking a plastic coat hanger, heat-bending it, then attaching to my drill or to use my vaccum cleaner to create low-pressure
which would you recommend?
should work fine as long as to sanitize
1.4) Or maybe I should do the degassing after I transferred to the secondary in the carboy (being extra careful not to make a fizzing wine fountain)?
yes. degas in secondary (less risk of oxidization)
1.5) Also how long should I degas? (I've seen threads saying 5min+10min, some others saying at least 20~30minutes)
2) 2.1) Should I add an extra 2 campden tablets now too?
No need
2.2) (or no because the
CO2 created from the remaining yeast be enough to keep my wine safe? Or maybe
add after getting all my must into the glass carboy? Or maybe just 1 tablet? (I added 1campden tablet per gallon pre fermentation as instructed) I noticed some people usually use k-meta even none during racking)
3) Should I add bentonite or clearing agent now? (will this
shorten the time to bottling?)
It's okay to add it now. It will help the yeast
4) I'm Planning on purchasing a 11L glass carboy for 25$ for my secondary.
This is the smallest glass carboy size they sell. (Another store around my location has more sizes but everything there is soooooo overprised compared to here!)
My primary fermentation tub is a 2.5gallon and is almost full. I estimate 8.5~9L of must.
Bought it!
4.1) I think
2L seems a bit much to top up using marbles (or is it not?)
My must had a high sugar reading and so my ABV content will be a bit higher than what I would have initially liked, also my actual fruit amount is a bit light. So, I want to avoid adding water.
Yes. It is definitely too much to add with water. Go buy some more juice to add.
(Reference, )
4.2) Maybe I should add juice to top up? (the yeast would probably continue to eat up all the sugars in the new juice anyways but still the juice should add some extra body and it is less sugary than my pre-fermentation must)
Yes top it up with juice.
5) I also wanted to try to try back-sweeten a portion later on. I am planning on waiting till I am about to bottle and then I will leave a portion in my carboy. I am planning on adding some juice until desired sweetness is reached, add campden tablets (1tablet per gallon) and potassium sorbate (as instructed). I should leave the portion with juice added to sit for a few days making sure fermentation hasn't restarted before bottling.
Stablize (k-meta and sorbate). Make sure fermentation is over and all the yeast is dead.
Do I have a correct understanding of this?
6) 6.1) It's a bit early but I am planning on purchasing some bottles while I'm at the shop.
Or should I wait until I am ready to bottle?
Buy bottles later!
6.2) I am planning on buying 4x clear 375mL, 4x frosted 375mL, 4x green 375mL, 2x clear 750mL, and 4x green 750mL. (green bottles I will bottle age for a longer time)
Or maybe 8x clear 375mL, 8x frosted 375mL, and 8x green 375mL.
(All bottles cost $1.20 except the frosted which costs $2.25)
Here are the 375mL bottles:
Here are the 750mL bottles:
I'm also planning on using synthetic corks for most of the bottles and wooden corks for the dark coloured bottles.
I also plan on using shrink caps.
What do you think? (I would love to hear your opinions that were crafted through experience!)
I know this is a kind of long question,

Thanks in advance!