Well, I'm going all grapes this year for the first time. 3 lugs of Zinfandel and a field blend of 2 lugs Cab and 1 Merlot. Found a great deal on a used crusher in perfect working order, however we will be destemming by hand. Good news is we have help,it's my birthday tomorrow so some family and friends popping in to lend a hand. My wife and girls (age 9 and 6) are really excited to "squish" grapes. Plan to use D254 for the Cab/Merlot and RP15 for the Zin. Will test ph and TA post crush and sulfite to 50ppm, add Lallezyme,wait 8 hours or so and add Opti Red and pitch yeast sometime Sunday. Any advice before the fun starts tomorrow?
If all goes well, I'll invest in a crusher/destemmer for next year. Probably head to Erie next month for some local region juice, Concord and Traminette. Happy wine making season!!
If all goes well, I'll invest in a crusher/destemmer for next year. Probably head to Erie next month for some local region juice, Concord and Traminette. Happy wine making season!!
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