AS we pee, lets not forget our buddy Lon who invented thid infamous pee.
Here is the official site:
I may have been one of the very first ones to "tweak" the pee.
I usually make it according to the original recipe, but, I substitute some of the water with a frozen juice concentrate.
If I can get the initial SG uo to about 1.12 or so, and I use a starter, I can get it to ferment out.
If you are going to try for that much alcohol content use champagne yeast or prmier cuvee, they can handle alcohol levels to that high.
Most of us can,,,,,most of the time.
The above link proves I am on the official sight. I'm the bloke in the Wisconsin hoodie. LOL
So if you have to pee, make sure you dont overfill the bucket, or just step outside like the rest of us?