First thoughts on Enolmatic...With pics.

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geocorn said:
To steal and modify a phrase from Star Trek, "I have been and always shall be a bean counter!"


I don't recognize that quote. Perhaps a better one would have been, "Dammit, Jim, I'm a bean counter, not a doctor!"

Whoda thunk that PeterZ would be a Trekkie?
In Star Trek II, "The Wrath of Kahn", Spock says to Kirk as he is dying from radiation poisioning, "I have been and always will be, your friend!" They bring the quote back up in III, "The Search for Spock", when they are trying help Spock remember his human side.

Yes, I am very much a "Trekkie". Even though the show was very corney at times, it was way ahead of its time. Roddenberry was a genius.
George, you're talking the movies. I was glued to the TV set for that show every week in the mid-sixty's. My parents were kind enough to let me watch on the only TV in the house.

In 1969 I don't think I slept for the days that CBS had Walter Cronkite and Aurthur C. Clarke doing the reporting of the first moon landing. It was the summer between my Sophmore and Junior years of HS.
How is your wine doing that you bottled with the Enomatic? Have you tasted it? Do you detect anything different with this form of bottling? I am getting ready to bottle again with this machine. My first bottling of 15 gallons did not turn out so good. To much air was in the wine as it was bottled. That is why I am wanting to get your results. Thank you kathy.
have you tasted your wine after bottling it? noticed anything different with this method of bottling? Did it incorporate more air in the wine? Need to know. Please kathy
Kathy. Funny you ask. I was just checking my email and noticed this old topic that I started. The funny thing is, that I'm actually sipping a WE Shiraz (monturo (SP?) ) That got to ride in the barrel for about 4 weeks.

Well, long story short, the wine IS the best wine I've ever done without a grape pack. It is actually arguably better than those with at such a short time too. Though it is so good that I don't think I'll find out if it can compare in a side to side taste test, as it will be gone.

As for the enolmatic... I am kicking myself that I did not buy it years ago. It works flawlessly, and pulls the wine in to the bottle faster than I can bottle it.

The premise of the enolmatic is that it uses vacuum to pull air out of the bottle, thus creating a negative pressure in the bottle that pulls wine into the empty bottle. So in essence there is less air in the bottle than any other conventional filling method (excluding of course gas systems that are even more costly).

I did a lot of research when thinking about the ENO. But eventually read posts such as the one I'm writing right now. I have gone through three previous filling systems.

One the basic system a tube that has a weighted end in it that when you lift it stops filling. Worked for a long time and I will always keep it in case of an emergency. It is cheap and effective to get wine into the bottom of the bottle.

The second was a brass 'wand' that worked on the same principle as the above mentioned tube, except it had a ball bearing inside and a spring to ensure the wine flow would cut off when lifting the 'tube' out of the bottle. (something I had a problem with as my first tube got older).

The third was the gravity filler by ( I forgot the name). For the cost this was a great set up. it saved me a lot of spilled wine compared to the first two options I tried. I would suggest it anyday for anyone on a budget. It will work well.

The last is the ENO. It fills as fast as you want. The vacuum actually helps to degas the wine as it is pulled into the bottle and theoretically removes air. I only say theoretically because technically it does remove 'air' from the bottle but really in such a small amount it really doesn't make that big of a difference (IMHO).

Ok. Back to my experience. The first time I used it I got a 5 gallon batch done so fast I bottled another batch. Now days, I don't even consider bottling until I have 3-4 batches to do. It takes about the same time as the other fillers and is just as easy. (including the floor corker of course).

So to answer your question, Yes absolutely the ENO is a great machine and well built. Cheap?... no. But I am not into this hobby to save money. I am into this hobby to enjoy the fruits of my minimal labors

Sorry it took me so long to ask. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.

Until then, Cheers!
I started the first post on the enolmatic when I received it almost a year ago. Remember You responded and then made a new file. I had given it such a favorable posted that it created a lot of chatter.
The second time we bottled we had a lot of bubbles in the wine after it was filled, thought that we had assembled it wrong. But I am sure that I had not degassed it enough prior to bottling. Ruined 2 batches that way. have bottled 5 batches since and done it the old fashioned way. That is why I was so interested in your wine after you had bottled. So now I have the confidence to try it again. thank you for your information.
I finally got mine for Christmas from my sweetheart! I'm stuck in Edmonton, Alberta with family out in the cold frozen prairies, but cannot wait to get home to try this puppy out! I'm so excited!!!!!
Now thats a nice present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RS, do you still love yours and have you had any problems with it? Have you sterile filtered with it as of yet?

Edited by: wade
I just ruined 2 5 gallon batches of wine, would you please call me at 1-800-495-3264, our company phone, do not want to cost you anything, I need help with either my filter or wine makeing procedure. thank you kathy
kathy said:
I just ruined 2 5 gallon batches of wine, would you please call me at 1-800-495-3264, our company phone, do not want to cost you anything, I need help with either my filter or wine makeing procedure. thank you kathy

Can you describe what is wrong with the wine? Maybe someone can give you some insight. Are you still having problems with your filler/filter? Does the company have any tech support contacts you can talk to to inquire if maybe you have a faulty product?
I got one of these and a 1 micron filter (and housing) for Christmas too. I have 59 gals that I am going to filter/bottle in March. I am going to use both my Fill Jet and this at the same time.
Just a note to people who decide to buy one. You should NOT use StarSan. It creates the bottle filler to stick. It's not a huge issue, but they cost 45 buck to replace. I would use idophor or a metabisulphite solution now.

other than that, it is a great unit.
Hi everyone.

Just been cranking my old Enolmatic bottling plant up again as vintage is upon us once more.
It is a great little plant did 1500 bottles of shiraz with it yesterday and it performed flawlessly. Only got another 6000 bottles to go.
The 200 bottles a hour maximum in the sales blerb is pure fiction of course. If any body can tell me how to get anywhere near this figure please pass along your secret
If you are doing a lot of bottling I would recommend one modification to the basic plant. If you fit a 5 litre glass bottle/demijohn in the vacuum line between the filler head and the original vacuum receiver.This allows you to run for longer times between stops to "get rid" of the overflow that goes down the vacuum line and also makes the job of cleaning up afterwards a lot quicker.
Be carefull of the joins in the solid tubing end of the suction wand. Leaks are common here which induces air into the wine. I have ditched mine and now use a flexible tubing with a small strainer on the end.
One thing do not expact any after sales service from the manufacturer. They never answer emails.

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