First time drinking my homemade wine

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Sep 1, 2010
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Tonight i tried for the first time some of my own home made wine. First off, I am not a wine drinker, maybe a glass now and than. I like my Bud Light. I have giving my wine out to friends and telling them I want HONEST opinions, god AND BAD comments are welcome. I have been getting excellent reviews (Blueberry, Blueberry Bold, Chokecherry, Chokecherry bold,) Well tonight I opened a bottle of Blueberry Bold (same as regular Blueberry but with raisins and backsweetened with blueberry syrup). I have to admit, IT IS EXCELLENT! Only been in the bottles about 3 months. Still need to try the rest (Blackberry, Pomagranite Skeeter Pee, plain Skeeter Pee, and Spiced Apple) All 5/6 gallon batches. Oh ya, I am with some frieds and need to bottle 45 gallons of "**** Red"). Thanks again for the advice and I enjoy reading others.
Nice job! I anxiously await the day I can try my first. I'm still several months out.
Congrats!! I am also a few months away. I cannot promise I wont open one in a month..:dg
That's a lot of wine for a "non wine drinker". Well it sounds like the door is open now...... we'll convert you yet.
The difference is amazing. There are a lot of good comercial wines too, but it makes you feel good knowing you made it. I also just tried some of my homebrewed beer too. The difference in taste was very noticable too.
Isnt it satisfying to drink stuff you made yourself and have it taste good? I was surprised myself how good the stuff I made was...
It sounds like you have the makings of quite a party! I'm still a couple of months away from bottling my first batch of vino rosso and the Riesling fermenting in my primary is smelling good. I can't wait!!
I clearly remember my first batch. I should have waited longer but a little too anxious. It was really good though. Good for you! Now your hooked for sure.
I started with fruit wines not liking much of any other wine so beware that if you keep trying other types eventually you will enjoy all types.
I would love to try a kit wine but, WHY!!! I am having fun picking the berries and unwrapping the candy canes, etc. and I am getting very good results (though I don't like the blackberry).
Next time you make blackberry try adding a couple pounds of black cherry; really gives it body & taste! I make it all the time.

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